Craig Saper, LLC, Named Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship

Craig Saper, professor and chair of Language, Literacy, and Culture (LLC), has been named the Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship. “Dr. Saper is a scholar of large achievement and great energy, whose talents and interests make him a superb choice for the Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship,” said John Jeffries, dean of the college of arts, humanities, and social sciences (CAHSS). The Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship was established by The Herbert Bearman Foundation to acknowledge and honor the contributions of Dr. Arlene Bearman to the UMBC community. This chair recognizes and supports outstanding teaching skills, an interest in entrepreneurship,… Continue Reading Craig Saper, LLC, Named Bearman Foundation Chair in Entrepreneurship

Claudio Galindo, LLC, Recognized by Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake

Claudio Galindo of UMBC’s Language, Literacy, and Culture Ph. D. program was recently recognized by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake for her work within the Latino community of the city and state, according to a statement from the regional community organization CASA de Maryland. The mayor’s statement came as part of the city’s celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Speaking on Dr. Galindo, Rawlings-Blake said that “when President Obama announced his program to allow immigrant students for deferred action and work authorization in the United States this past summer, Claudia was one of the first to volunteer to assist with the process. Since the first… Continue Reading Claudio Galindo, LLC, Recognized by Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake

PhD Candidate Amy Pucino ’15, Language, Literacy, and Culture, in Diverse

Language, Literacy, and Culture PhD candidate Amy Pucino ’15 was profiled by Diverse on September 18th for her volunteer work with UMBC’s Refugee Youth Project (RYP). Pucino spoke with the magazine about her personal experience with aiding a family of Iraqis who fled their country during the Iraq War and relocated to Baltimore. She helped the family on issues ranging from English tutoring to navigating the city’s institutions in order to help them obtain housing and health care. The experience inspired Pucino to base her dissertation on “the relationships between Iraqi refugees and those who play an educational role in their lives.” “Through working with… Continue Reading PhD Candidate Amy Pucino ’15, Language, Literacy, and Culture, in Diverse

Craig Saper, LLC, Publishes New Book

Craig Saper, associate professor of Language, Literacy and Culture, has published a new book under his alter-ego of dj readies. Intimate Bureaucracies is a history from the future looking backward at our present moment as a turning point. Our systems of organization and control appear unsustainable and brutal, and we are feeling around in the dark for alternatives. Using experiments in social organization in downtown New York City, and other models of potential alternative social organizations, this manifesto makes a call to action to study and build sociopoetic systems. It is published by Punctum Books. The book is also a part… Continue Reading Craig Saper, LLC, Publishes New Book

Craig Saper, LLC, to Discuss “Digital Legacies”

Craig Saper, associate professor of language, literacy and culture, will participate in “Digital Legacies of the Avant-Garde,” a two-day international conference that examines the continuing influence of avant-garde concepts and practices on contemporary digital culture. The conference will be held in the New School in New York on April 20. Saper will participate in a panel entitled “The Legacy of the AvantGarde between Generative Art and Networked Art.”

Kaye Whitehead ’09, LLC, in the Baltimore Sun

Kaye Whitehead ’09 Ph.D., language, literacy and culture, recently published an op-ed in the Baltimore Sun. In her piece, entitled “Black History is American History,” she argues that “we should no longer celebrate or recognize Black History Month; instead, we should teach black history alongside white history, Asian-American history, Latino history, women’s history and others” in order to create one narrative of American history. A former middle school social studies teacher, and the 2006-07 Gilder Lehrman Maryland History Teacher of the Year, Whitehead did not recognize Black History Month in her classroom. She is now an assistant professor of communication… Continue Reading Kaye Whitehead ’09, LLC, in the Baltimore Sun

Sonya Caesar, Language, Literacy and Culture on PBS Nightly Business Report

Sonya Caesar, cohort 13, Language, Literacy and Culture, appeared on a PBS Nightly Business Report segment on student debt. Caesar is on staff at the Community College of Baltimore County, where she is spearheading a campus-wide financial literacy campaign. She discusses what students know and don’t know when it comes to taking on student debt – the challenges of managing their money and paying back student loans which are never erased from their records. The espisode aired on Tuesday, October 25, and can be watched here. The segment on financial literacty begins at about 17:00. Caesar previously wrote and co-produced… Continue Reading Sonya Caesar, Language, Literacy and Culture on PBS Nightly Business Report

Discovery – Fall 2011

LEARNING (FROM) THE LINGO “Baldamoreans do not speak the king’s English.” That’s how one Lexington Market patron jokingly described the city’s linguistic style to Inte’a DeShields ’13 in a podcast that was produced as a class assignment by the language, literacy and culture Ph.D. student. But that’s exactly how Christine Mallinson, an assistant professor in the program, likes it. “Not that much linguistic research has been done on the unique accents of Baltimore, but the city is a good laboratory for studying language variation,” Mallinson explains. Charm City is a living laboratory for Mallinson’s research and pedagogy. The podcast, for… Continue Reading Discovery – Fall 2011

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