Information Systems

Scholarship Q&A: Michael Wallace Karugu ’15, Information Systems, and M.S. ’17, Cybersecurity

As the academic year draws to a close, we thought we might take the time to introduce you to some of our Alumni Association Scholarship recipients. Today, we hear from Michael Wallace Karugu ’15, information systems, who is currently working toward a master’s degree in cybersecurity here at UMBC. Name: Michael Wallace Karugu Major: Information Systems (current master’s student in Cybersecurity) Grad Year: 2015, 2017 Extracurriculars: Soccer and billiards Why did you decide to attend UMBC? UMBC is a renowned institution offering recognized STEM programs. I wanted to experience the learning environment and opportunities offered by UMBC. Furthermore, since I was a transfer student, UMBC was… Continue Reading Scholarship Q&A: Michael Wallace Karugu ’15, Information Systems, and M.S. ’17, Cybersecurity

Happy Retriever Love Week!

A couple of weeks ago, we put out a call on social media for couples whose love stories began at UMBC. We got so many great responses that while Valentine’s Day may have come and gone, we’ve decided to extend the holiday through Friday to share your stories on the blog. Happy Valentine’s Day the Second through Sixth! — In August 2000, Kenneth Knight ’03, information systems, and M.S. ’05, information systems, was a transfer student looking for advice on his classes. During a fire drill, a mutual friend led him to Angela Washington Knight ’03, information systems, and M.S. ’05, information systems, and from… Continue Reading Happy Retriever Love Week!

Spotlight on bwtech@UMBC

Alumni Delali Dzirasa ’04, computer engineering, and Andrew Mavronicolas ’14, information systems, were recently featured in a SmartLogic video promoting bwtech@UMBC. Both alumni run companies based in the research park: Dzirasa is the president of the software company Fearless Solutions, and Mavronicolas is co-founder of Backpack ‘Em, an online intra-campus exchange platform. Ellen Hemmerly, executive director of bwtech, is also featured. Watch the whole clip here:

Alumni Awards 2015: Andre Gudger ’99, Information Systems

In the weeks leading up to the Alumni Awards Ceremony, we’ll be profiling each of this year’s honorees in detail here on the blog. Today we introduce our Engineering and Information Technology award winner, Andre Gudger ’99, information systems. Andre Gudger serves in the Obama administration as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy at the Department of Defense. In his current role, he provides analysis and advice to the government on the workings of the industrial supply chain as it relates to our national defense. He is also the DoD lead for President Obama’s National Network… Continue Reading Alumni Awards 2015: Andre Gudger ’99, Information Systems

Alumni Awards 2015: Andre Gudger '99, Information Systems

In the weeks leading up to the Alumni Awards Ceremony, we’ll be profiling each of this year’s honorees in detail here on the blog. Today we introduce our Engineering and Information Technology award winner, Andre Gudger ’99, information systems. Andre Gudger serves in the Obama administration as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy at the Department of Defense. In his current role, he provides analysis and advice to the government on the workings of the industrial supply chain as it relates to our national defense. He is also the DoD lead for President Obama’s National Network… Continue Reading Alumni Awards 2015: Andre Gudger '99, Information Systems

Congratulations to Our 2015 Alumni Award Winners!

Each year, the UMBC Alumni Association celebrates those people who have made outstanding contributions to the University, their fields, and their communities. This year, we extend that honor to the following distinguished alumni and faculty: Engineering and Information Technology: Andre Gudger ’99, Information Systems Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manufacturing, and Industrial Base Policy, U.S. Department of Defense Natural and Mathematical Sciences: Dr. Yoon-Ho Kim ’01 Ph.D., Applied Physics Professor, Pohang University of Science and Technology Social and Behavioral Sciences: Bryan Kelly ’92, Economics Co-Founder and Managing Partner, The Kelly Group Visual and Performing Arts: Dr. Lisa Urkevich ’86,… Continue Reading Congratulations to Our 2015 Alumni Award Winners!

Constellation Awards E2 Energy to Educate Grant to UMBC’s Information Systems Department

For the second year in a row, UMBC has been awarded an E2 Energy to Educate grant from Constellation. E2 Energy to Educate grants support learning-focused, team-oriented projects that yield specific results, reach at least 100 students, and align with one of three energy knowledge and innovation focus areas: Energy science: the science required to create new energy solutions Energy technology: how energy technology is making it to market Energy education: the interface of information technology and energy technology Dr. Nimrayla Roy, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, leads the UMBC project team. A group of 200 information systems students are… Continue Reading Constellation Awards E2 Energy to Educate Grant to UMBC’s Information Systems Department

Meet an Alum: Drew Ballantine ’14

Name: Drew Ballantine ‘14, information systems Employer: Berkshire Associates Inc. Q: Where are you from originally? Glen Burnie, MD Q: What’s your favorite UMBC memory? Sledding with other members in the Pep Band in Hartford Q: Why do you think it’s important to support UMBC? I think it’s important to support UMBC because it’s a great school. It provides a lot of different opportunities for us, both in majors and extracurricular activities. It pushes us to really define ourselves and discover who we really are. And we should give back so that it can continue to do so to the… Continue Reading Meet an Alum: Drew Ballantine ’14

Meet an Alum: Drew Ballantine '14

Name: Drew Ballantine ‘14, information systems Employer: Berkshire Associates Inc. Q: Where are you from originally? Glen Burnie, MD Q: What’s your favorite UMBC memory? Sledding with other members in the Pep Band in Hartford Q: Why do you think it’s important to support UMBC? I think it’s important to support UMBC because it’s a great school. It provides a lot of different opportunities for us, both in majors and extracurricular activities. It pushes us to really define ourselves and discover who we really are. And we should give back so that it can continue to do so to the… Continue Reading Meet an Alum: Drew Ballantine '14

Student Scholarship Q&A: Kirley Silva, information systems

Every so often, we highlight the importance of student scholarships by introducing you to the very students they help to succeed. Today, we’re featuring Kirley Silva ‘15, information systems, who is an Esperanza Scholarship recipient. This scholarship is awarded to a student of Latino or Hispanic ancestry who demonstrates commitment to the advancement of minorities, especially of Latino or Hispanic descent. Name: Kirley Silva Major: Information systems Scholarship(s): Esperanza Scholarship Q: Why did you decide to attend UMBC? As an honors university, I chose UMBC for its challenging and prestigious academics, as well as for its amazing support system and… Continue Reading Student Scholarship Q&A: Kirley Silva, information systems

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