Help INDS Develop New Courses and Curricula

Editor’s note: Here at UMBC, our students are the heartbeat of campus, and we are committed to providing them the best possible education. We’re highlighting our amazing academic departments, some of their recent achievements, and ways that you can help fund their continued excellence. Your gift is extremely important and many of our students are depending on you. Please show your support and make an impact today. With you we can make a difference. The Interdisciplinary Studies Program (INDS) is proud to have celebrated its 45th Anniversary this past year with over 1,200 students to have graduated with INDS degrees.… Continue Reading Help INDS Develop New Courses and Curricula

Michele Wolff, Shriver Center, and Stephen Freeland, INDS, in The Catonsville Times

Michele Wolff, Shriver Center, and Stephen Freeland, interdisciplinary studies, were featured in an article about UMBC’s new Summer Enrichment Experience in The Catonsville Times. The Summer Enrichment Experience (SEE) is a commuter day program through the Shriver Center which offers academic courses for middle and high school students. Wolff shared her goals for the program, saying, “The idea is to give the middle and high school students the opportunity to be on a college campus, but also the opportunity to have an interesting and exciting way to learn about the sciences or arts and humanities based content.” Freeland, who will… Continue Reading Michele Wolff, Shriver Center, and Stephen Freeland, INDS, in The Catonsville Times

Meet the Newest Alums: Schuster, Hester, Owusu-Boaitey, and Hawkins

UMBC is always full of hard-working people who aspire to do great things, and the class of 2014 is no exception. Today, we wanted to share with you what some of our recent graduates are planning to do with their Retriever education. For seven of her eight semesters at UMBC, Kat Schuster, theatre, dedicated her time to the costume shop on campus. A Linehan Artist Scholar, she has been recognized by the theatre department, local theatre companies and their audiences. While aiding younger students through UMBC Residential Life and the Wilde Lake High School Theatre Department, Schuster was awarded the… Continue Reading Meet the Newest Alums: Schuster, Hester, Owusu-Boaitey, and Hawkins

Allan Jirikowic

Heaven, Hell & Eisenhower – Allan Jirikowic ’77, INDS

It’s almost two weeks till Christmas, and Chief Ike’s Mambo Room in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of D.C. has hung up its stockings. There are loads of them—maybe two dozen, dangling out of arm’s reach above the cluttered bar and along an opposite wall. Each bears a name – Doug, Angela, D-Rok, Baby G – painted in glitter glue. I ask the bar’s white-bearded owner, Allan Jirikowic ’77, interdisciplinary studies, (who has probably withstood his share of Santa Claus comparisons) about the stockings, but he would rather talk about a mural – one of many – he’s commissioned for the… Continue Reading Heaven, Hell & Eisenhower – Allan Jirikowic ’77, INDS

Stephen Freeland, INDS, in WIRED

Most scientist accept the RNA world hypothesis, which states that RNA was the first biological molecule due to its ability to copy itself and pass along genetic traits. However, Nicholas Hud, a chemist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, wasn’t convinced. A recent article in WIRED, courtesy of Quanta Magazine, discusses Hud’s experiment with the building blocks of RNA. The experiment made a breakthrough with the discovery of a chemical recipe that points to the existence of a molecule that might pre-date RNA. Quanta interviewed Stephen Freeland, director of UMBC’s interdiscipinary studies program, for the article. “In my opinion, nothing… Continue Reading Stephen Freeland, INDS, in WIRED

Asif Majid ’13, Interdisciplinary Studies, Publishes First Book

Based on his experiences studying and researching abroad in Morocco during the 2011-2012 academic year, Interdisciplinary Studies major Asif Majid ’13 published his first book at the end of the summer. Written in two parts, This Moroccan Life pairs an original Brechtian play providing social commentary on Morocco with an extended analysis that connects the play to the academic research and personal experiences that influenced the writing of the play. Taken together, the two parts address issues related to Morocco including migration, transnational identity, human rights, gender, harassment, and the Arab Spring. Supported by two Undergraduate Research Awards, Majid aims… Continue Reading Asif Majid ’13, Interdisciplinary Studies, Publishes First Book

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