
Pres. Hrabowski focuses on building supportive learning communities at NYT Higher Ed Leaders Forum

“What we’ve worked to do at UMBC…is to look in the mirror,” Dr. Hrabowski explained. “We have a theory of change that we’ve been working on now for almost 20 years that focuses on how you create communities of empowerment for students…but also how we rethink the teaching and learning process.” Continue Reading Pres. Hrabowski focuses on building supportive learning communities at NYT Higher Ed Leaders Forum

UMBC leaders share messages of solidarity following Orlando tragedy

“We are reminded of how important it is to support one another, across boundaries of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexual orientation, and we hope that our culture of inclusiveness and acceptance at UMBC will be a source of strength as we stand together to uphold our collective values,” write Pres. Hrabowski and Provost Rous. Continue Reading UMBC leaders share messages of solidarity following Orlando tragedy

Baltimore Sun Hall of Fame honoree Robert Meyerhoff shares pride in achievements of UMBC’s Meyerhoff Scholars

“What is so significant” about Meyerhoff, President Hrabowski told The Baltimore Sun, is that he gives “not only money but also so much of himself. He has shown the kind of interest one shows when one cares deeply about people.” Continue Reading Baltimore Sun Hall of Fame honoree Robert Meyerhoff shares pride in achievements of UMBC’s Meyerhoff Scholars

UMBC Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars at Lakeland Elementary/Middle School. Photo by Marlayna Demond '11 for UMBC.

UMBC prepares next generation of leading K-12 educators with commitment to community

“As the Baltimore County Teacher of the Year, Carter is noted for his enthusiasm, his authenticity, and his work to be a champion for students inside and outside of the classroom,” writes Education Post, in a new story highlighting Corey Carter ’08, biological sciences, ’10 M.A.T. Continue Reading UMBC prepares next generation of leading K-12 educators with commitment to community

President Hrabowski discusses the importance of connecting STEM with the arts, humanities and social sciences

“One of the ways we can get students to appreciate what STEM can do for our country is through the humanities, not only through reading skills, but understanding many of the ethical issues involved in the achievement gap, in health disparities, and in the environmental issues that we face.” – Dr. Hrabowski on The Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU. Continue Reading President Hrabowski discusses the importance of connecting STEM with the arts, humanities and social sciences

UMBC heads to Light City Baltimore: festival of light, music, innovation

Baltimore’s history as the first U.S. city to be illuminated by gas lamps has inspired Light City Baltimore, a new festival in the Inner Harbor, March 28-April 3, with 1.5 miles of glowing public artworks, free music, a free UMBC hospitality space, and a six-day innovation conference, Light City U. Continue Reading UMBC heads to Light City Baltimore: festival of light, music, innovation

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