
Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes His 39th Book

Robert Deluty, associate dean of the graduate school and associate professor of psychology, has published a new volume of poetry, “The Inventor as Observer.” In his review, Richard M. Berlin writes: “In his 39th book, Robert Deluty continues his long record as the contemporary poet whose work is guaranteed to make me laugh out loud one minute and bring tears to my eyes the next.  His craft has evolved to what seems like an effortless level of mastery in poems filled with sly observations, surprise, word play, and his trademark warmth and wit.  Who else could write a book that… Continue Reading Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes His 39th Book

Robert Deluty, Graduate School, in The Faculty Voice

Robert Deluty, associate dean of the Graduate School, has published 23 poems in the October 2012 issue of The Faculty Voice. All of the poems have an academic theme and all previously appeared in one of Dr. Deluty’s published books.  The poems are written in senryu, a form of short poetry of Japanese origin similar to haiku. Poems include: inquiring how to reference tweets. in his term paper and young art student struggling to control the strokes. painting his first nude All of the poems, which appeared in the October 30 issue of the newsletter, can be read here.

Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes His 36th Book

Robert Deluty, associate dean of the graduate school, has published a new book of poetry, “Particles of Life.” In his review, Dr. Ronald Pies writes: “In the Jewish mystical tradition, it is mankind’s task to release the hidden ‘sparks’ of divinity that are trapped within the material world. In his wonderful new collection of poems, Robert Deluty achieves something akin to this, by releasing the poetry within the common ‘particles of life.’ This, Dr. Deluty accomplishes with his usual blend of humor, sharp-eyed realism, and deeply humane understanding.” Copies of “Particles of Life,” as well as of Deluty’s other books,… Continue Reading Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes His 36th Book

Campus-wide Professional Development Seminars for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

From Renetta Tull, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development and Director, PROMISE Dear Colleagues, The Graduate School and the PROMISE Program are sponsoring more than 20 professional development seminars for all graduate students throughout 2011-2012. There are seminars on teaching, the IRB, how to teach at a Community College and receive a stipend (through the PROF-it program), a Saturday seminar on developing fellowship and funding applications, leadership workshops, and the Dissertation House for Ph.D. Candidates. This list of activities can be found at Some of the current and future workshops (to be added) will cover hot topics such as… Continue Reading Campus-wide Professional Development Seminars for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

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