
Jessica Berman, English, Elected Second Vice President of the Modernist Studies Association

Jessica Berman, Director of the Dresher Center for the Humanities and Professor of English, has been elected to be the Second Vice President of the Modernist Studies Association (MSA). She is set to take office in fall 2014, succeed to be First Vice President in fall 2015 and then become the President of the MSA for the 2016-17 year. The MSA is a 1000-member organization in its 15th year of existence. It was begun to provide an interdisciplinary and international venue for research in what has since been called “the new modernist studies” – modernist studies that question the canon and works… Continue Reading Jessica Berman, English, Elected Second Vice President of the Modernist Studies Association

Jessica Berman, English, Gives Keynote Address at the French Modernist Studies Association Inaugural Conference

On Thursday, April 24, Jessica Berman gave the opening keynote address at the French Modernist Studies Association inaugural conference, held at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris 3. Berman, Director of the Dresher Center for the Humanities and Professor of English, presented, “Re-Routing Community: Radio, Colonial Voices, and Transnational Listening,” which explored the intersections and interactions among writers from India and the Caribbean, developing an alternative version of modernist community that is transnational, transmedial and often inter-linguistic. The conference explored the notion of community in the modernist period, honoring Berman’s book, Modernist Fiction, Cosmopolitanism and the Politics of Community (2001) as a significant event in the… Continue Reading Jessica Berman, English, Gives Keynote Address at the French Modernist Studies Association Inaugural Conference

Piotr Gwiazda, English, Publishes a Review in The Times Literary Supplement

Piotr Gwiazda, Associate Professor of English, has published a review of Beautiful Twentysomethings by Polish writer Marek Hłasko (1934-1969) in the April 4, 2014 issue of The Times Literary Supplement. Professor Gwiazda describes Beautiful Twentysomethings as “primarily a literary memoir. Hłasko adeptly recreates the world of his fellow writers, poets, critics, actors, film directors — the ‘beautiful twentysomethings’ of his title who, despite the repressive political climate of the 1950s, ‘kept faith that the moment would come when it would be possible to say: ‘No.’” He also notes that the book “shines a spotlight on emigration as a major theme… Continue Reading Piotr Gwiazda, English, Publishes a Review in The Times Literary Supplement

Jessica Berman, English, Appointed to the Modern Language Association’s Publications Committee

Jessica Berman, Director of the Dresher Center for the Humanities and Professor of English, has been appointed to a three-year term to serve on the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) Publications Committee. The committee oversees all of MLA’s book publication programs, including its “Approaches to Teaching World Literature” and “Teaching Languages Literatures and Cultures” series. It assesses prospectuses and approves final manuscripts and it’s also charged with consulting on priorities and policies for the scholarly communication program and assisting with new initiatives in scholarly communication. Congratulations, Dr. Berman!

Lia Purpura, English, in City Paper

Lia Purpura, English writer in residence, was featured in a Q&A in City Paper about her participation in Baltimore’s CityLit Festival and commented on the creative, artistic community at UMBC. “It’s a completely vibrant, alive place and diverse in every possible way—students from all over the world, of all ages and backgrounds,” Purpura said. “I don’t think I’ve ever had more rigorous or engaged discussions on complex issues with undergraduate classes. My students are curious, brave, unselfconsciously creative, eager to learn, prepared to discuss.” Purpura is reading at CityLit with colleagues Michael Fallon and Holly Sneeringer, along with three UMBC English majors… Continue Reading Lia Purpura, English, in City Paper

Jill Quinn

Moving in Place: Jill Sisson Quinn ’97, English

The habitat in central Maryland where Jill Sisson Quinn ’97, English grew up isn’t very different from the habitat in central Wisconsin where she lives now. The birds, insects, and trees are similar; you can use the same field guides, she says. Yet when she moved to the Midwest in 2005, she had traded a place full of rivers for one full of lakes, and “it was a huge problem for me,” she says. “I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would feel like I was moving to another planet.” Is this homesickness, or an… Continue Reading Moving in Place: Jill Sisson Quinn ’97, English

Jill Quinn

Moving in Place – Jill Sisson Quinn ’97, English

The habitat in central Maryland where Jill Sisson Quinn ’97, English grew up isn’t very different from the habitat in central Wisconsin where she lives now. The birds, insects, and trees are similar; you can use the same field guides, she says. Yet when she moved to the Midwest in 2005, she had traded a place full of rivers for one full of lakes, and “it was a huge problem for me,” she says. “I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would feel like I was moving to another planet.” Is this homesickness, or an… Continue Reading Moving in Place – Jill Sisson Quinn ’97, English

Michele Osherow, English, in Folger Theatre Production Diary

Folger Theatre announced on its “Production Diary” blog last week that Richard III has been extended and will now run at the theatre through March 16. English Associate Professor Michele Osherow worked closely on the production of Richard III as dramaturg and sat down for an interview to discuss her role. In a Q&A published on the Folger Theatre blog, Osherow notes the role of dramaturg can vary depending on the production. “In a general sense, the dramaturg is thought of as ‘the scholar in the rehearsal room,’” Osherow said. “The scholarship I’ll bring to a Folger project can range from literary criticism… Continue Reading Michele Osherow, English, in Folger Theatre Production Diary

Christopher Corbett, English, in The Wall Street Journal

Christopher Corbett, professor of the practice of English, recently reviewed a new book for The Wall Street Journal about Red Cloud, a Sioux war chief who defeated the U.S. Army and negotiated unprecedented concessions from the government. In “The Heart of Everything That Is: The Untold Story of Red Cloud, An American Legend,” authors Bob Drury and Tom Clavin tell the story of the powerful and successful Indian warrior. “The great Sioux war chief, a military genius of the Indian wars, is a largely forgotten figure in the shape-shifting history of the American West,” Corbett wrote. “In his day, he presided over… Continue Reading Christopher Corbett, English, in The Wall Street Journal

Jessica Berman, English, Presents Guest Lecture at University of Mysore, India

English professor Jessica Berman recently presented a guest lecture at the Maharani’s Arts and Commerce College for Women, the University of Mysore, India. Berman was in Mysore as part of an extended research trip in India to study the history of a Muslim woman writer, Iqbalunnisa Hussain, who graduated from the Maharani’s College in 1930. Berman spoke to faculty and Master’s students in English literature on “Modernism in a Post-Colonial Context.” She also interacted with students and discussed her research on Indian authors with the faculty. The lecture was presented on November 13th.

Lia Purpura, English, in The New Yorker

English Department Writer in Residence Lia Purpura is featured in the latest edition of The New Yorker. The magazine published her poem “Future Perfect” in its November 18th edition. You can read the poem in The New Yorker here (subscription required). The full text of the poem is below: Future Perfect Where you were before you were born, and where you are when you’re not anymore might be very close. Might be the same place, though neither is as slippery as being here but imagining where you will have been – that point where things land, are finished, over, and gone but not yet. –Lia… Continue Reading Lia Purpura, English, in The New Yorker

Joan Shin, Education, Launches Book Series with National Geographic Learning

Joan Shin, Education Professor of Practice, has launched a book series with National Geographic Learning designed to give learners the skills and knowledge they need to learn English and understand the world around them. The series, called “Our World,” uses images and video and provides National Geographic content to young learners of English. Shin is co-editor of the series along with JoAnn Crandall, Professor Emerita and former Director of the Language, Literacy and Culture Ph.D. program. You can find out more about the series here. As part of the series, Shin also developed a professional development video program for teachers.… Continue Reading Joan Shin, Education, Launches Book Series with National Geographic Learning

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