UMBC Cyber Dawgs win Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition

Over the weekend, the UMBC Cyber Dawgs took first place in the Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, which was held virtually. Now, they head to the national competition. “We are so proud of our team, and their ability to work together as a team under such extraordinary conditions,” says faculty advisor Charles Nicholas. Continue Reading UMBC Cyber Dawgs win Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition

UMBC once again ranks among the top 150 universities in federal research funding

The Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) survey aggregates federal research and development expenditures for fiscal year 2018. The survey data combines total funding from all federal agencies and also provides information on research funding from non-federal and non-governmental sources.  Continue Reading UMBC once again ranks among the top 150 universities in federal research funding

UMBC receives NSF support to enhance data science courses, research, and student experiences

Data science has rapidly grown at UMBC, and faculty are now working to enhance data science courses, research, and student experiences. The goal is to ensure they are inclusive, empowering, and effective in preparing students to tackle the urgent problems our society is working to solve, and can scale up to meet student and workforce demands. Continue Reading UMBC receives NSF support to enhance data science courses, research, and student experiences

UMBC students confront ethical challenges through new computing curriculum

“We want to capitalize on this curiosity and diversity of perspectives,” says Helena Mentis. “Alongside technical skill development, every week we want to introduce challenges around ethics, equality, human behavior, and societal impact, reiterating that a fundamental component of development is thinking through implications.”  Continue Reading UMBC students confront ethical challenges through new computing curriculum

MHEC selects UMBC’s Jordan Troutman, who bridges technology and policy, as student commissioner

Jordan Troutman has been selected to be the student commissioner for the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). He’s a computer science and mathematics major passionate about applying his work at the intersection of technology and policy to improve society.  Continue Reading MHEC selects UMBC’s Jordan Troutman, who bridges technology and policy, as student commissioner

Meet six Retrievers who went from internship to career success with UMBC Career Center support

Decades after the start of the internship boom, internships continue to be invaluable for both undergraduate and graduate students. As UMBC students demonstrate, gaining real-world experience and networking within an area of interest can have a lasting impact when it comes time to search for a full-time position. Continue Reading Meet six Retrievers who went from internship to career success with UMBC Career Center support

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