Computer science

Three men walk down academic row, the middle man points to something in the distance

The math (and the man) behind our national security

In the 1960s, a common routine for elementary school students was to practice hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear blast. Following the Bay of Pigs standoff in 1961, international tensions remained high as the United States and the Soviet Union continued advancing their nuclear weapons. But global armament was only a minor inconvenience to Stanley Czajkowski in those days. As a third grader in Miss Hamill’s class, he was busy falling in love with the riddle of math.  Unbeknownst to this future Retriever was how he would eventually use those foundational mathematical skills to develop algorithms designed to… Continue Reading The math (and the man) behind our national security

A colorfully illustrated design in bright teals, yellows, and pinks, that show interconnected gears and pulleys leading to a lightbulb.

When We Work Together

On the eve of UMBC’s 50th anniversary in 2016, when the institution put forth a goal to raise $150 million— money that goes directly to student scholarships, graduate fellowships, professorial awards, and so much more— we didn’t question if we would succeed, we just wondered how we’d be able to capture the magnitude of the collective campaign when it came to a close. Continue Reading When We Work Together

Colorful bubbles and circular photos of various headshots

Connecting the Dots

For students pursuing experiential learning through internships, campus jobs, research, and community engagement, it’s not just about learning how to do the thing they want to do. It’s about connecting the work to the passions that brought them to UMBC in the first place. These students and alumni working in their chosen fields tell the whole picture—what hands-on learning looks like when it comes full circle. Continue Reading Connecting the Dots

A group of five people in a room with glass walls, sitting at a table with laptops in front of them.

The Hilltop Institute at UMBC revolutionizes data analytics to advance health and wellbeing

The Hilltop Institute at UMBC has led numerous high-impact health care research projects over a nearly 30-year history at UMBC. “The Hilltop Institute epitomizes the spirit of UMBC’s mission to integrate teaching, research and engaged scholarship, and service to benefit communities in Maryland and beyond,” says Cynthia Woodcock, executive director of Hilltop. Continue Reading The Hilltop Institute at UMBC revolutionizes data analytics to advance health and wellbeing

Beyond Midlife: Kathy Marmor’s new artwork explores memory and embodiment for women in midlife

Western culture remains terrified of aging, particularly for women, but that fear doesn’t stop any of us from actually aging. Kathy Marmor delves into the heart of these anxieties with a pair of innovative collaborative works, now on view at the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture. Continue Reading Beyond Midlife: Kathy Marmor’s new artwork explores memory and embodiment for women in midlife


Game Changers

Learning and play can look a lot alike. Both call for creativity, curiosity, practice, and reflection. That’s why some Retrievers are combining the two. Continue Reading Game Changers

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