News and Updates about UMBC’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Washington Post

An article published October 9 in the Washington Post examined several gubernatorial races in the Northeast where voter unrest has put a number of contests in play in states where Democrats ordinarily win. The article focused on Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Maryland as states where this phenomenon is taking place. A recent Washington Post poll showed Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown leading opponent Larry Hogan by a 47 percent to 38 percent margin among likely voters in Maryland. Political Science Professor and Chair Thomas Schaller was interviewed for the article and said, “people in Maryland, including some Democrats, are bemoaning an uninspired, run-the-clock-out campaign by… Continue Reading Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Washington Post

Round Up: UMBC in the News, 10/10

One of the things that makes UMBC great is how wonderful our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are. Because of these amazing people, UMBC often finds itself “in the news,” so each week, we’ll be sharing with you a round-up of the most newsworthy achievements from our community. Scott Casper, CAHSS Dean, in Talking Points Memo George Derek Musgrove ’97, History, on WAMU’s Metro Connection Sunil Dasgupta, Political Science, Discusses Asian Military Modernization in Security Watch New York Times Suggests Silicon Valley Recruit Tech Talent From Universities Like UMBC Read more at UMBC Insights!

Theo Gonzalves, American Studies, in Ian Ruskin Documentary on Barbara Dane

Actor, writer, and social activist Ian Ruskin has released a new two-hour documentary on the life of Barbara Dane. Titled, “A Wild Woman Sings the Blues: the Life and Music of Barbara Dane,” the documentary includes interviews with several musicians and others who know Dane well. Theo Gonzalves, Associate Professor and Chair of American Studies, was interviewed for the project and appears in the documentary. Gonzalves is a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Institution, working with the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. His project, “Singing Truth to Power: The Story of Paredon Records,” traces the cultural history of a record… Continue Reading Theo Gonzalves, American Studies, in Ian Ruskin Documentary on Barbara Dane

Humanities Forum: The Honor Code (10/20)

On Monday, October 20 at 5 p.m., Kwame Anthony Appiah, a renowned philosopher, cultural theorist and novelist, will present the Humanities Forum, “The Honor Code.” The event is the Daphne Harrison Lecture and will take place in the Performing Arts and Humanities Building Theatre. Philosophers spend a lot of time thinking about what is right and wrong, and some time thinking about how to get people to see what is right and wrong—but almost no time thinking about how to get them to do what they know is right. Anthony Appiah has spent the last decade thinking about what it takes to turn moral understanding into moral behavior.… Continue Reading Humanities Forum: The Honor Code (10/20)

Revolution of the Eye in Broadway World

Revolution of Eye, an exhibition organized by the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture and the Jewish Museum in New York, and curated by Maurice Berger, research professor and chief curator at the CADVC, received coverage in Broadway World on October 1. (Click here to read the article). The exhibition will open in May 2015 and will be the first to explore how avant-garde art influenced and shaped the look and content of network television in its formative years, from the late 1940s to the mid-1970s. A microsite that provides a preview to the exhibition is now available here.

Ana Maria Schwartz Caballero, MLLI, Receives NFL Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award

Baltimore Ravens fans were treated to a special event during the September 28 game: Ana Maria Schwartz Caballero, modern languages, linguistics and intercultural communication, received the 2014 NFL Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award. Schwartz Caballero received the honor for her work with the Latino community, which includes serving as chair of Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s Hispanic Commission, member of the Legislative Task Force on the Preservation of Heritage Language Skills, president of UMBC’s Latino/Hispanic Faculty Association, faculty advisor for UMBC’s Hispanic/Latino Student Union, advocate with CASA de Maryland, and much more. “I share this award with the members of our Latino community who… Continue Reading Ana Maria Schwartz Caballero, MLLI, Receives NFL Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and Jewish Times

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris discussed the upcoming gubernatorial election in The Baltimore Sun and Jewish Times this week. In an article in the Jewish Times about Republicanism in Maryland, Norris predicted that a win for the Democrats, explaining that Republican nominee Larry Hogan’s focus on the economy would not sway voters. In The Baltimore Sun, Norris commented on Hogan’s attention to environmental issues. Hogan has questioned Democratic nominee Anthony Brown’s commitment to cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. “I’ve been in the state since 1986, and I don’t remember the bay being an issue, at least in this… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and Jewish Times

Kimberly Moffitt, American Studies, on The Marc Steiner Show

Kimberly Moffitt, American Studies, joined The Marc Steiner Show on Monday, September 29 to discuss police brutality, societal perceptions of Black children and recent attacks on the Obamas. Other panelists in the roundtable included Marshall Bell, host of Midday Magazine with Marshall Bell and author of Baltimore Blues: Harm City, and Ray Winbush, Director of the Institute for Urban Research at Morgan State University. In the conversation about attacks on Michelle Obama, Moffitt related it to her research on body politics. “Oftentimes we look at the black body as being this space that occupies a position of being revered and… Continue Reading Kimberly Moffitt, American Studies, on The Marc Steiner Show

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, Op-Ed in The Baltimore Sun

Political Science Professor and Chair Thomas Schaller writes about his views on religion, war and the political practices of ISIS in his latest column in The Baltimore Sun. Schaller notes the dangerous nature of what ISIS purports to want: a return to the era of Islamic caliphates. “Political leaders hungry for power and control often peddle to potential followers the intoxicating promise of reviving a high-varnished, glorified past that never really existed,” he writes. “Such delusions often turn lethal, especially when revanchist aspirations cannot be delivered to adherents and are met with resistance from opponents.” To read “The Islamic State’s… Continue Reading Thomas Schaller, Political Science, Op-Ed in The Baltimore Sun

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and on WJZ 13

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris spoke to The Baltimore Sun and WJZ 13 about risk-taking in the gubernatorial campaign and Ben Caron’s possible bid for the presidency. In a Baltimore Sun article about how both nominees for governor have avoided risky campaign strategies, Norris commented on Republican nominee Larry Hogan’s vague campaign promises. “As soon as he gives specifics, that opens him to attack from his opponent,” Norris said. Norris also spoke to WJZ 13 about former Johns Hopkins head of neurosurgery Ben Carson’s possible bid for the presidency, mentioning that Carson might be too far to the right… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun and on WJZ 13

UMBC Homecoming Big Prize Poetry Slam (10/10)

The time has arrived once again for one of UMBC’s premiere arts events this year. The annual UMBC Homecoming Big Prize Poetry Slam will be held on Friday, October 10, 2014, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Peforming Arts & Humanities Building (PAHB) first-floor atrium. Come enjoy a night of fun and poetry while cheering on the fantastic student and alumni poets as they compete for big prizes, enjoy wonderful free food, and even win door prizes. We look forward to seeing you there! The event is presented by the English department, Bartleby, and the UMBC Homecoming Committee.

Maurice Berger, CADVC, Latest “Race Story” in The New York Times

In the latest essay for his Race Stories column in The New York Times, Maurice Berger, research professor at the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, shares his views on Father Figure: Exploring Alternate Notions of Black Fatherhood, a new book by a Toronto-based photographer and physician, Zun Lee. While the book’s images of African-American  fathers may at first seem ordinary — for example, a man feeding his baby as his other children play nearby — Berger notes that the photographs “are in one sense unusual: Their subjects are black and counter mainstream media that typically depict African-American fatherhood as a wasteland of dysfunction… Continue Reading Maurice Berger, CADVC, Latest “Race Story” in The New York Times

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