News and Updates about UMBC’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Peace in the City: As Colombia Peace Talks Advance, Citizens Build Peace in Medellin (3/6)

Peace in the City As Colombia Peace Talks Advance, Citizens Build Peace in Medellín Featuring: Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego, Executive Director of CEDECIS, the Corporation for Community Development and Social Integration in Medellín, Colombia Friday, March 6, 2015 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sherman Hall, Wing B, Room 150 Baltimore, MD 21250 Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego is the executive director of CEDECIS, a dynamic community organization working in some of the most violent areas of Medellín. With two decades of experience in community organizing and building a culture of peace, she can show how people have come together to prevent forced… Continue Reading Peace in the City: As Colombia Peace Talks Advance, Citizens Build Peace in Medellin (3/6)

James Grubb, History, Named Trustee of Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation

History Professor James Grubb has been selected to serve as one of three trustees of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, a philanthropic foundation headquartered in New York.  According to its website, the The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation “promotes the advancement and perpetuation of humanistic inquiry and artistic creativity by encouraging excellence in scholarship and in the performing arts, and by supporting research libraries and other institutions which transmit our cultural heritage.” The Foundation sponsors projects in four areas in which the founder was keenly interested: libraries, humanities, artistic performance in New York, and Venetian studies.  The annual budget is about… Continue Reading James Grubb, History, Named Trustee of Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation

Robert Provine, Psychology, on Australian National Radio

Psychology Research Professor and Professor Emeritus Robert Provine was recently interviewed by Radio National (RN) in Australia about his research on yawning, sneezing, and hiccuping. Provine’s interview appeared on the RN program “The Body Sphere” and the title of the segment was “Breathing Through Pain.” “One of the most striking things about contagious yawning is that it reminds us that we are not a conscious being with total voluntary control of our behavior. When you see someone else yawn, you don’t decide, I’m going to do what that person over there just did. We simply do it,” Provine said during… Continue Reading Robert Provine, Psychology, on Australian National Radio

MLLI Department Announces Spring Film Festival Series Lineup

The Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Department has announced the lineup for its spring film festival series. Films from across the different areas of MLLI are represented. To view a video promoting the series, see below. MLLI will also participate in a Short Film Festival during ArtWeek at UMBC. The information is below: Short Film Festival during Art Week Wednesday, March 4, 2015 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Sports Zone, The Commons A screening of foreign film shorts will be shown in the Sports Zone. We will have drinks and free popcorn! Come and see short films from France, India, Israel… Continue Reading MLLI Department Announces Spring Film Festival Series Lineup

Kimberly Moffitt, American Studies, on The Marc Steiner Show

On February 26, WEAA’s The Marc Steiner Show hosted a discussion on a bill before Maryland legislators that would lift restrictions on when police officers could carry their weapons, which would allow them to carry their weapons in schools. Kimberly Moffitt, an associate professor of American studies, discussed her conflicting thoughts on the issue because of her respect for many police officers and educators who say it is necessary, but also her viewpoint as a parent of two children in the schools. “Where does the slippery slope take us and what might happen as a result? One of my biggest concerns, coming from… Continue Reading Kimberly Moffitt, American Studies, on The Marc Steiner Show

George Derek Musgrove, History, in the Washington Post

George Derek Musgrove ’97, history, associate professor of history, was quoted in a February 26 article in the Washington Post that examined Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s role in ushering in the legalization of marijuana in the city. Musgrove commented on the relationship between Bowser and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the committee with jurisdiction over D.C. legislative matters, and noted that Bowser contacted Chaffetz in advance of a press conference this week about marijuana legalization. “Her press conference was impressive. Not only was she firm . . . standing up for the wishes of 7 in 10 voters, but she was shrewd, making… Continue Reading George Derek Musgrove, History, in the Washington Post

Sunil Dasgupta, Political Science, in ISN

In an article published February 25 in the International Relations and Security Network Digital Library News, Sunil Dasgupta analyzed the shifting balance of power between the United States and Russia in light of recent events in Ukraine. “Russia’s ability to defy the United States and other Western powers in Ukraine (as well as Moscow’s support of the Syrian and Iranian regimes) since late 2013 has suggested that the period of soft balancing is over. The return of traditional balance of power politics implies that a multipolar world, in which the United States is one of many similarly positioned great powers,… Continue Reading Sunil Dasgupta, Political Science, in ISN

Humanities Forum: “The Paths We Make As We Go”: The Narrative of an Undocumented Immigrant Woman in the U.S. (3/11)

Humanities Forum Wednesday, March 11 | 4:00 p.m. Joan S. Korenman Lecture Maria Gabriela “Gaby” Pacheco, immigrant rights activist Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery  Activist Maria Gabriela Pacheco is a prominent figure in the national immigrant rights movement and is currently the program director of TheDream.US, a national organization that provides higher education fellowship opportunities for undocumented immigrants. Pacheco is a leading advocate for the passage of comprehensive immigration reform that would assist the approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. She is also a staunch advocate for legislative reform that would provide higher education access to… Continue Reading Humanities Forum: “The Paths We Make As We Go”: The Narrative of an Undocumented Immigrant Woman in the U.S. (3/11)

Maurice Berger, CADVC, Latest “Race Story” in The New York Times

In the latest essay for his Race Stories column in The New York Times, Maurice Berger, research professor at the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, examines a new exhibition at the Bronx Museum of Art, “Three Photographers From the Bronx: Jules Aarons, Morton Broffman and Joe Conzo,” which opens Thursday, February 26. “Over the past 40 years,” writes Berger, “our collective view of the Bronx has all too often embraced the media-driven myth of its inexorable decline. For many, the blight, addiction and poverty that plagued parts of the South Bronx in the 1970s have come to symbolize the… Continue Reading Maurice Berger, CADVC, Latest “Race Story” in The New York Times

Dave Marcotte, School of Public Policy, in The Conversation

As many states across the country have dealt with significant snowfall over the last two months, school districts have been forced to shut down for several days. School of Public Policy professor Dave Marcotte has conducted extensive research on the impact of snow days on student learning, and published an article in The Conversation about the work he has done with his colleagues. “Research shows that fewer school days do reduce student performance, especially for the more disadvantaged students. Evidence from previous winters also shows that more days in school do, in fact, improve achievement for American students overall, something that has been… Continue Reading Dave Marcotte, School of Public Policy, in The Conversation

Rebecca Adelman, Media and Communication Studies, in The Conversation

In the wake of Brian Williams’ six-month suspension from NBC News, Rebecca Adelman offered a fresh perspective on the story and argued that Williams’ actions were more complex than their first appearance on the surface.Adelman, an assistant professor of media and communication studies, wrote an article for The Conversation in which she examined public reactions to Williams’ false claims about his experience reporting in Iraq and how they spoke to the way military service is valued in American culture: “…I’d suggest instead that Williams inadvertently revealed something about the profoundly contradictory place military service occupies in American culture,” Adelman wrote.In… Continue Reading Rebecca Adelman, Media and Communication Studies, in The Conversation

Eric Dyer, Visual Arts, in Two New York Exhibitions

Eric Dyer, Visual Arts, is featured in Wave & Particle, a group exhibition that celebrates Creative Capital’s fifteenth anniversary, at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts in New York. The exhibition opened on Saturday, February 14 and will continue on display through March 21. More information is available by clicking here. His work will also be featured in Moving Image New York, a group exhibition on display at the Waterfront Tunnel in Chelsea in New York, from March 5 through 8. Additional information about Moving Image is available by clicking here.

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