
2017 Alumni Awards celebrate impressive contributions across disciplines from UMBC alumni and faculty

“You see this great cadre of people who represent the best of our university, the best of our country and the best of humankind. They are solving the problems of humankind,” said President Hrabowski. “This is by far the best of UMBC.” Continue Reading 2017 Alumni Awards celebrate impressive contributions across disciplines from UMBC alumni and faculty

UMBC’s 20th Summer Undergraduate Research Fest spotlights emerging science talent from across the nation

“It is a privilege to have so many students coming from far and near to participate in the authentic research experience UMBC provides,” shared Dean Bill LaCourse. “I assure you that your discoveries have added to scientific knowledge, which in the end benefits society through empowerment.” Continue Reading UMBC’s 20th Summer Undergraduate Research Fest spotlights emerging science talent from across the nation

UMBC’s Tom Cronin explains how some animals “see without eyes”

“Many animals—including human beings—do have specialized light-detecting molecules in unexpected places,” Tom Cronin writes. While notable progress has been made in understanding these molecules in recent decades, there is still much to learn about their roles in processes from navigation to mood regulation. Continue Reading UMBC’s Tom Cronin explains how some animals “see without eyes”

Man in suit stands at podium that holds a glass trophy. Multicolored post-its stick to the wall behind him.

American Democracy Project honors UMBC’s Philip Rous for leadership in civic engagement

UMBC participants were involved with organizing and presenting sessions, tours, and special events throughout the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting, which offered representatives from colleges and universities across the nation a chance to discuss forward-looking community-building and civic engagement strategies. Continue Reading American Democracy Project honors UMBC’s Philip Rous for leadership in civic engagement

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