Tom Beck, Chief Curator, Featured in Stephany Book

Published: Sep 25, 2012

_Music of the Mind: Cliche Verre Photographs and Digital Imagery of Jaromir Stephany_, with an essay by Tom Beck, UMBC chief curator, has been published by the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery. The life and work of Jaromir “Jerry” Stephany, an Associate Professor of Art from 1973 to 1999, are presented in a monograph for the first time. Stephany has the distinction of being one of only a few artists ever who devoted so much of his career to making cliché verre photographs. He learned the technique from his mentor Henry Holmes Smith (acolyte of Moholy-Nagy), and made such “cosmic” series as “Landscapes of Outer Space” and “Psychosis.” Later in his career, he scanned his negatives into a computer and added vibrant colors to the work, thereby achieving an emotional load much like the classical music that he enjoyed throughout his life. Stephany’s last body of work, “Dark Music,” captures the last movement of a life inspired by such music as Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 9 in D Minor. The book will be distributed by D.A.P. (Distributed Art Publishers).
