Sociology and GES Students in Baltimore Sun

Published: Dec 8, 2011

The front page of todays Baltimore Sun highlights Operation Oliver, a local partnership that seeks to revitalize Baltimore’s Oliver neighborhood through community art, garbage removal, crime watch and landscaping, involving several UMBC students. The article follows Jeremy Johnson ’12, sociology, and two fellow volunteers as they walk through the neighborhood, noting both concerning conditions and exciting rehab projects.

Johnson is a board member of The 6th Branch, a nonprofit that applies the leadership and organizational skills of military veterans to local community service initiatives — one of two lead organizations for Operation Oliver. Incoming project coordinator Dave Landymore ’13, GES, is featured in a photo series accompanying the Sun article (images 1, 7 and 11), along with project volunteer Heather Hryczshyn ’13, GES (images 12 and 13).

The initiative’s next service day will be Saturday, 12/10, 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Several UMBC students have already signed up to help. To learn how to volunteer, visit Operation Oliver on Facebook.

Operation Oliver photo from The 6th Branch