Smoke-Free Campus Policy

Published: Jun 25, 2013

The USM Board of Regents has required all USM institutions, including UMBC, to provide a healthy, smoke-free environment for all faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors by July 1, 2013.

In response, a Smoke-Free Campus Task Force was appointed – with representatives from UMBC’s shared governance organizations, including students, faculty, and staff members – to make recommendations about how best to implement this policy on our campus.

After working throughout the spring semester, the task force has recommended that smoking be allowed in two designated areas removed from major pedestrian traffic, in order to provide a safe space for any students, faculty, or staff who may continue to smoke – especially after dark. For students, faculty, and staff who would like to stop smoking, University Health Services offers free visits with a medical provider who will provide support and discuss various options for quitting.

This new policy reflects a national movement to provide healthy, smoke-free environments on college campuses and brings UMBC in line with more than 800 colleges in the United States that are already smoke free. Your support and assistance is appreciated, as UMBC implements this new policy designed to make our campus community healthier for all who study, work or visit here.

More information about the full implementation plan will be provided in the coming weeks.
