Shriver Center Peaceworker Fellows Meet With City Council

Published: Apr 8, 2014

P1060529The Shriver Center’s Peaceworker Fellows recently met with City Council President Jack Young and City Councilman Jim Kraft to discuss their history of public service and their vision for moving Baltimore forward.

UMBC’s Peaceworker Fellows have worked in public service internships at City Hall with Councilman Kraft for nearly a decade. This partnership has allowed Peaceworker alumni to hold positions in various City Hall offices.

The above photo features the current cohort of Peaceworker Fellows at Baltimore City Hall on March 28, joined by Peaceworker alumni Kristyn Oldendorf from Councilman Kraft’s Office, Lisa Fink from the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, Cailin Benson from Council President Young’s Office and Brian Greenan from the Mayor’s Office of Economic and Neighborhood Development.
