Rick Forno, Cybersecurity, in the Baltimore Sun and SpiderOak Blog

Published: Sep 3, 2013

“First The New York Times; now the Canton Kayak Club?

The website for the group of urban paddling enthusiasts was the victim of an apparent hacking Wednesday and Thursday, bearing an image of a man on a horse with a spear and the messages “NO WAR!” and “All Hail the Islamic world, we’re here!,” wrote Scott Dance of the Baltimore Sun.

Dance interviewed UMBC’s Rick Forno for the piece. These days cybersecurity is more than just technology.

“In cyber security nowadays having a good situational awareness of world events is crucial,” said Rick Forno, assistant director of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Center for Cybersecurity.”

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/technology/blog/bs-bz-canton-kayak-club-website-hacked,0,5296086.story#ixzz2dr99CXuU

Forno was also recently interviewed by SpiderOak University about the topic of cybersecurity.


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