President Hrabowski Inducted into U.S. News STEM Leadership Hall of Fame

Published: Jun 28, 2012

President Freeman Hrabowski has been named one of five inaugural inductees into the U.S. News STEM Leadership Hall of Fame, recognizing UMBC’s work advancing science education on campus, throughout Maryland and across the country.

Here’s what Brian Kelly, editor and chief content officer of U.S. News & World Report, had to say: “Freeman Hrabowski is one of STEM’s brightest luminaries. His work at UMBC focusing on STEM is a true success story. Talk about filling the pipeline—Freeman turned UMBC into one of the country’s top producers of science, math, and engineering grads.”

That is a testament not just to leadership — but more importantly, to the vision, creativity and dedication of UMBC’s faculty and staff. It is also a testament to our partners, whose expertise and financial support have made UMBC’s successes possible.

On Friday, President Hrabowski joins business executives, philanthropists, policymakers and other educators at the U.S. News STEM Solutions 2012 Summit, an unprecedented gathering focused on one critical objective: creating a national consensus on the development of a STEM workforce.

As UMBC continues to address that pressing issue, the expertise and commitment of our faculty, staff, alumni and partners will be as crucial as ever. We are grateful for all you’ve already done and hope you share in our excitement about this honor.


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