Pres. Hrabowski on NPR and WYPR

Published: Jul 31, 2014

President Hrabowski was a guest on both NPR’s Tell Me More and WYPR’s Midday With Dan Rodricks this Wednesday, discussing mentorship and the graduation gap in higher education.

A frequent guest of Tell Me More, Dr. Hrabowski joined host Michel Martin on the show’s final Wisdom Watch segment to discuss the role of mentorship in his personal life and at UMBC. Recalling the importance of mentorship during his childhood and early career, Dr. Hrabowski discussed why mentoring is part of the culture at UMBC and how it creates a supportive environment for students and faculty. “People don’t make it by themselves,” he said. “Somebody gives them support, and that’s the point. How do we make sure that every person has that team of people who can give support?”

Dr. Hrabowski also appeared on Midday With Dan Rodricks to speak about how universities can help first-generation and low-income students graduate. Citing both traditional and innovative student support mechanisms found at UMBC, Dr. Hrabowski said that the success of students who move past life’s obstacles to reach their goals continually inspires him.

Click here to listen to Dr. Hrabowski on Tell Me More and here to listen to Midday with Dan Rodricks.
