Pres. Hrabowski and Diane Bell-McKoy ’73 Named Influential Marylanders

Published: Feb 19, 2014

The Daily Record recently named President Hrabowski and Alum Diane Bell-McKoy ’73, sociology, in their 2014 list of Influential Marylanders.

Influential Marylanders celebrates people who have made significant impacts in their fields and continue to be leaders in Maryland. Winners are chosen in the categories of civic leadership, communications, education, finance and more.

Bell-Mckoy, President and CEO of Associated Black Charities, was selected in the civic leadership category, while Dr. Hrabowski was chosen for his work as UMBC’s president in the education category. Dr. Hrabowski will also be inducted into the Circle of Excellence, as it is his third year as an Influential Marylander.

Congratulations, President Hrabowski and Diane Bell-Mckoy!
