Outstanding Results by Any Measure

Published: Aug 25, 2003

Outstanding Results 
by Any Measure
UMBC was named one of a dozen “Hot Schools” by Kaplan/Newsweek 2003.


In August 2002, UMBC was named one of a dozen Hot Schools” by Kaplan/Newsweek 2003 How to Get Into College” guide.

UMBC joined some prestigious company on the list of Hot Schools, including the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Boston College, the University of California at Santa Barbara, the University of Washington at Seattle, and Macalester College.

Hot schools were selected based on academic prowess, affordability, location, and, of course, surging popularity. The guide noted, “With a tough economy, the hottest schools may well be the best bargains – those offering excellent academics at more affordable prices. That’s why our list for 2002-03 is dominated by some of the country’s top publics.”

The Kaplan/Newsweek profile references the fact that UMBC is ranked 16th in the country in NASA funding and that 40 percent of students go on to graduate and professional schools right after graduation. The average member of the 2002 freshman class had an average SAT score of nearly 1220 and was a member of the National Honors Society. Incoming Honors College students have an average SAT of 1400 and a high school GPA of 4.2.

The article credits a variety of factors that have helped UMBC build a stronger national reputation, including creating an environment where it’s cool to be smart.” UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski discusses the broad variety of things to do at outside of the lab and classroom. Many students design their own curricula,” Hrabowski says. This is a place where you’ll find students thinking about the hard questions of society.”

The issue marked the second time UMBC has been recognized by the Kaplan/Newsweek Guide. The 1999 issue called UMBC a powerhouse in Baltimore” as part of a list of Schools on a Mission.”