NPR’s “Tell Me More” Host Meets with Faculty Researchers

Published: May 1, 2014

NPRFacultyVisit3Michel Martin, host of NPR’s Tell Me More, visited UMBC on April 29 to meet with faculty researchers from a variety of disciplines, speaking to the program’s focus on “conversations Americans are having now—about themselves, their families, their neighborhoods and the world.” Joining Martin were Alicia Montgomery and Amita Parashar, supervising and associate editors of Tell Me More.

Martin, Montgomery and Parashar met with Anne Brodsky, associate dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; Tyson King-Meadows, public policy and Africana studies; Jason Loviglio, media and communications studies; George Derek Musgrove, history; Penny Rheingans, Center for Women in Technology; Jason Schiffman, psychology; Joan Shin, education; and Cynthia Woodcock, The Hilltop Institute.

The faculty members shared their current research and how they became interested in their fields of study. They also joined Martin in a lively discussion about why and how academic researchers communicate with general audiences, helping the public explore and debate issues of the day.