New Times Higher Ed ranking names UMBC a global leader in social and economic impact

Published: Apr 24, 2020

Times Higher Education has just named UMBC one of the top universities worldwide for social and economic impact. Now in their second year, the Impact Rankings assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UN Member States adopted these goals in 2015 to boost progress toward gender equality, clean energy, sustainable cities, and 14 other key priorities by 2030. 

The newly released rankings include 766 institutions spanning 85 countries, an increase from the inaugural year’s 76 countries. UMBC is one of only 31 universities recognized from the United States. UMBC is also the only university in Maryland represented on the list. 

“As a globally engaged university, UMBC serves as an engine for cultural, economic, and workforce development in our region. UMBC also works to find solutions to many of the world’s most pressing challenges, from food security to gender equality to COVID-19,” says David Di Maria, associate vice provost for international education.

UMBC ranks within the top 55 universities globally on several of the SDGs, including reducing poverty, improving gender equality, reducing inequalities, life below water, and life on land. These rankings are based on information provided by the university on UMBC’s research and engagement. 

“This new ranking shines light on UMBC’s impact within local and global contexts,” says Di Maria. “I’m very pleased to see UMBC’s light shine as brightly on the world’s stage as it does here at home.”

Banner image: UMBC campus. Photo by Marlayna Demond ’11 for UMBC.
