Manil Suri, Mathematics, Writes for NPR Books

Published: Dec 17, 2013

The Indian Supreme Court last week upheld a ban on gay sex, a ban that was instituted more than 150 years ago and had been repealed in 2009. The law is known as Section 377 and makes homosexual acts in India punishable by up to ten years in prison.


Mathematics professor Manil Suri wrote for NPR Books about the subject and recommended reading Jeremy Seabrook’s Love in a Different Climate: Men Who Have Sex with Men in India, as a good way to understand the impact of the ruling.

“To understand the significance of a law like Section 377, one has to first have an understanding about the people it affects. Indian society is amazingly diverse in terms of class, language, caste, skin color, religion, among other factors, and its homosexual population is no different,” Suri writes.

You can read Suri’s full article on the NPR Books website here.