Lisa Akchin, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations, in the Baltimore Sun

Published: Jul 26, 2013

“In a time when social bridge building is greatly needed, we have lost much of our capacity for public friendliness,” writes Lisa Akchin, associate vice president for marketing and public relations, in a recent Baltimore Sun op-ed.  Akchin was responding to President Obama’s recollection of being greeted by the click of car door locks while crossing the street as a young black man.

“I know my own hand made that reflexive move for the door lock too many times before my mind considered the impact of my actions as a white woman on the feelings of a young black man,” she says.

Akchin writes about her own process of changing her perceptions, and calls on others in Baltimore to seek out opportunities to engage with people of diverse backgrounds. “For me, the first step out of this counterproductive cycle was a decision to stop seeing a statistic when I approached a black man on the street and begin seeing an individual coming from somewhere and going somewhere,” she says. “We are fortunate in Baltimore to have many attractive public spaces and events that serve as a modern-day town commons. These places and experiences offer rich opportunities to practice public friendliness.”

The piece, “On race, moving from fear to friendliness,” appeared in the Sun on July 24.
