Katie Cano ’16, Political Science, Selected as MHEC’s Student Commissioner

Published: Aug 4, 2014

Governor Martin O’Malley has appointed Katie Cano ’16, political science, as the Maryland Higher Education Commission’s (MHEC) student commissioner for the 2014-2015 school year. Cano will be the third UMBC student to hold this position in the past eight years.

Cano is actively involved in many organizations at UMBC. She is a Sondheim Public Affairs Scholar and received a BreakingGround community program grant for a partnership between the Regional Institute for Children and Adolescents-Baltimore (RICA-Baltimore) and UMBC’s Shriver Living Learning floor. She has served as president of her residence’s community action board, an orientation peer advisor, and an Introduction to an Honors University (IHU) seminar peer facilitator. She will also be a service intern for Student Life beginning this fall.

Cano will be sworn in as MHEC student commissioner on August 15, 2014.