Emerald Christopher receives WREI Fellowship

Published: Aug 29, 2012

Emerald Christopher has been selected as one of WREI’s 2013 Congressional Fellows on Women and Public Policy. “The Women’s Research & Education Institute (WREI) is an independent, public policy research and information center whose mission is to inform and help shape the public policy debate on issues affecting women and their roles in the family, the workplace, the classroom, the military, and the public arena.

The WREI Congressional Fellowship on Women and Public Policy is designed to train potential leaders in public policy formation to examine issues from the perspective, experiences, and needs of women. Administered by WREI, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, organization located in Washington, DC, this program is unique – the only fellowship program on Capitol Hill directly by, for, and about women.

Congratulations Emerald!

A WREI fellow works in a Congressional office as a legislative aide on policy issues affecting women. Fellows meet weekly for issue seminars directed by the WREI staff. Fellows are selected on the basis of academic competence as well as demonstrated interest in the public policy process. They must be articulate and adaptable and have strong writing skills” (WREI Fellows Brochure, 2013, web).


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