Ellen Hemmerly of bwtech@UMBC in Catonsville Patch

Published: Aug 13, 2012

Ellen Hemmerly, executive director for bwtech@UMBC, was profiled in Catonsville Patch by reporter Meg Tipper August 12th.

The article covered not only Hemmerly’s background, family life, as well as her work and research at bwtech@UMBC, but her involvement and thoughts on the greater Catonsville community, as well. Speaking on what she would like to see happen in the area’s future, Hemmerly told Tipper that “Catonsville could have a better mix of retail, more mixed use housing, and more activities on Frederick Road.  We could make the business district more attractive than it is.  I also would love for Catonsville and UMBC to be better integrated.  There is so much potential for both.”

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