Edward Burroughs and David Murray ’14, in the Washington Post

Published: Apr 6, 2012

“The president of the Council of Prince George’s County PTAs said her phone has been ringing nonstop since final results from Tuesday’s primary election were reported,” writes Ovetta Wiggins in today’s Washington Post. The results of that election? Three young adults, including two students from UMBC and one from College Park, soundly defeated their Prince George’s County Board of Education primary opponents to advance to the general election in November.

Wiggins reports that although the isolated election of a single teenager to a school board is not unusual, this case’s three young candidates make it exceptional. UMBC student David H. Murray, a 20-year-old UMBC economics major and Sondheim Scholar, is vying for a District 1 seat. Fellow sophomore Edward Burroughs is running for reelection in District 8. Both received the most votes in their districts by wide margins.

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