Dr. Kenneth Gibbs ’05, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, in Science Magazine

Published: Jan 30, 2014

Most new Ph.D.s in science are encouraged to pursue tenure-track faculty positions. Dr. Kenneth Gibbs felt pressured to follow that path, but instead he decided to explore a career in science policy in order to more directly impact society.

Dr. Gibbs recounts his professional journey and shares advice for future scientists in an essay in Science Magazine, entitled “Planning a Career in Today’s Landscape.” As a member of the 13th Meyerhoff cohort, Dr. Gibbs majored in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He then completed a Ph.D. in Immunology at Stanford.

Currently, Dr. Gibbs is a part of the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (CPFP) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), while finishing a Master’s Degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins.