Donald Norris, Public Policy, on MPT’s “State Circle”

Published: Jul 22, 2013

Donald NorrisDonald F. Norris, professor and chair of public policy at UMBC, appeared on Maryland Public Television’s “State Circle” on July 12th, discussing the 2014 Maryland governor’s race. Norris commented on the distinct strategies of two leading contenders, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, who announced early, and Attorney General Doug Gansler, who is delaying his announcement.

Norris argued that Brown’s team appears to have the stronger strategy. “They are out there—they are doing stuff, they are getting endorsements, they are raising money—and that really takes the edge off anything their opposition can do,” said Norris. “And the more of this they do, the stronger their campaign will be. Gansler is basically giving up the summer to them, and that is not a good idea.”

Watch the full interview at MPT online.