Donald F. Norris, Public Policy, Publishes New Article on E-Government

Published: Jan 7, 2013

PAR coverHas the promise of e-government fulfilled expectations? Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, has co-authored a new article in Public Administration Review on the trajectory of local e-government in the United States, comparing it with early predictive writings on the topic.

Donald Norris UMBCIn “Local E-Government in the United States: Transformation or Incremental Change?” Norris and Christopher G. Reddick (U Texas-San Antonio) describe how local local e-government has not produced the results predicted by early analysts. With limited interactivity, local e-government today is mainly about delivering information and services online; in other words, it is a one-way communication tool. Further, the authors expect this trend to continue for the foreseeable future.

Click to read abstract (open) or full article (requires subscription).