Cynthia Matuszek, CSEE, Describes Image Search Research on CBC Radio

Published: May 5, 2015

cynthiamatuzsekCynthia Matuszek, CSEE, was interviewed on Spark about her research on gender representation on Google Image Search. Spark is a show on CBC radio that explores the topics of technology and trends.

Matuszek described what inspired her and colleagues at the University of Washington to study gender representation across various professions on Google Images and discussed the study’s results. Matuszek found women are often underrepresented in images search results for different professions and portrayed in stereotypical ways.

Click here to listen to Matuzsek’s interview on CBC Radio.

Matuzsek’s research was also referenced in an article about a Google search result for jokes. Click here to read “Something Truly Unfunny Happened When You Googled the Word ‘Joke'” on Mic.

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