CWIT Bits and Bytes Program on CNN

Published: Jul 31, 2015

In an article about the AMC drama “Halt and Catch Fire,” CNN explored the dearth of women in computing fields and efforts made by universities to encourage women in computer science. The article discusses UMBC’s Center for Women in Technology’s Bits and Bytes program, which introduces girls in their junior year of high school to engineering and information technology majors.

cwitThe article cites a recent National Science Foundation study that found that only 18% of computer science majors were female. “In the ’80s, there were more women getting degrees in computer technology than there are now, which is mind-blowing,” actress Kerry Bishe of “Halt and Catch Fire” told CNN. “It’s more important now to show women in the culture, on a TV show, showing that these are options for good jobs.”

Read “Why women in tech came to a ‘Halt’” on CNN.

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