Career Crush (3/30-4/24)

Published: Mar 24, 2015

careerservicesUMBC’s annual Career Week has grown so large we had to extend it to nearly a month full of activities…March 30 – April 24.

UMBC’s Career Crush offers an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to “get connected to the rest of the world” and “explore their professional options” through presentations, workshops and one-on-one mentoring with alumni and employers.

Now more than ever, it is important for UMBC students to explore their career options as early as freshman and sophomore years. Each event has the potential to speak to the needs of any student, regardless of academic major. We encourage all students to take your career planning process to the next level – from undecided majors to PhD candidates, there is something for you!

Visit the website to view full calendar of activities and encourage students to attend!

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