Alumni Mentor UMBC Interns

Published: Sep 3, 2008

eCity Corporation

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Karen J. Carpenter
President/Artistic Director 
eCity Corporation

“I like providing opportunities for interns to apply classroom and creative knowledge in a real-world environment.”

Year of Graduation: 2002
Major(s)/Degree: Ph.D. in Language, Literacy and Culture; area: Visual Literacy
Favorite Course at UMBC: Classes on new media, merging of word and image and multiculturalism

Nikki Jahangiri
eCity Corporation 

“The most valuable part of my internship experience was learning how to establish a strong corporate identity to ensure the business success of our clients.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2010
Major: Graphic Design with a Minor in Art History
Favorite Course at UMBC: Foundations in Leadership

Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab at Duke University

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Michael Ronquest
Post-Doctoral Fellow 
Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab

“I love teaching and the chance to pass on what I’ve learned.”

Year of Graduation: 2000
Major(s)/Degree: B.S. in Physics
Other Education: Ph.D.; University of Virginia
Favorite Course at UMBC: Quantum Mechanics

Shauna Marquess
Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab 

“I have learned a lot from this internship. Perhaps the most valuable part of my experience has been gaining knowledge of LabVIEW and learning how to write complicated programs in LabVIEW to control the motion of stepper motors.” 

Expected Graduation: 2010
Major: Physics
Favorite Course at UMBC: Modern Physics

CSC, Innovations Center

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Michael Panichello
Senior Systems Administrator
CSC, Innovations Center

“When students have the ability to work in a professional environment prior to graduation, it gives them the opportunity to embark on a successful career.”

Year of Graduation: 2006
Major(s)/Degree: B. S. in Information Systems Management
B. S. in Geography and Environmental Sciences
Certificate, Geographic Information Systems
Favorite Course at UMBC: Business Management

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Michael Tavener
Software Developer II
CSC, Innovations Center

“Interns are always extremely eager to learn. Working alongside an intern means working alongside a highly motivated individual. This, in turn, means that interns are always fun to work with.”

Year of Graduation: 2008
Major(s)/Degree: B. S. in Computer Science
Favorite Course at UMBC: Scripting Languages

Scott Barasch
CSC, Innovations Center

“I come to work every day and address dynamic challenges that are unique to the workplace environment as well as the cutting edge of advanced computing and information science methods, practices and theories.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2009
Major: Computer Science
Favorite Course at UMBC: Data Structures

Adam M. Kutzko
CSC, Innovations Center

“In addition to gaining work experience, particularly valuable is the opportunity to work with colleagues who understand the intern experience and what it’s like to juggle work, school, family and social lives at the same time.”

Expected Graduation: May 2010
Major: Information Systems
Favorite Course at UMBC: Introduction to Computer Programming

Lockheed Martin
Nanotechnology IRAD (Internal Research and Development)

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Harry Malecki
Mechanical Engineering LDP
Lockheed Martin, Nanotechnology IRAD

“Sometimes when you get so focused on your day-to-day work, it is really easy to narrow your vision and dismiss new ideas. Interns provide extra insights that are not normally considered. These insights challenge conventional points of view and open paths for innovation and creativity. Each of the interns I have been privileged to work with has continually provided this insight, making them an invaluable addition to our team.”

Year of Graduation: 2006
Major(s)/Degree: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Other Education: Currently in UMBC’s Master’s in Mechanical Engineering Program
Favorite Course at UMBC: Machine Design

Carla de Castro
Lockheed Martin, Nanotechnology IRAD

“A UMBC alumni mentor is a wealth of knowledge on two legs. I believe that my mentor can truly relate to my experiences, having endured the same difficult engineering courses and participated in similar extracurricular activities. When I was unsure about working part time at Lockheed Martin through the school year, my mentor utilized those insights to advise me accordingly. I feel that those levels of understanding and support are highly beneficial, and I am thankful that I can count on my UMBC alumni mentor to provide them.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2009
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite Course at UMBC: The Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
David Picket
Operations Manager
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network

“I like giving someone the opportunity to gain real-world experience, while allowing them to apply what they have learned from UMBC.”

Year of Graduation: 2007
Major(s)/Degree: B.S. in Financial Economics
Favorite Course at UMBC: Analysis of Derivative Securities

David A. Indek
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network

“I found gaining real-world experience in a working environment the most valuable aspect of my internship. It also provided me with more insight into what career I will pursue upon graduating.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2009
Major: Financial Economics & Political Science
Favorite Course at UMBC: Money and Capital Markets

ATK Space Systems

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Michael DeIuliis
Program Manager
ATK Space Systems

“Kristin is an excellent worker. She is a quick study, a good problem solver and she makes a genuine contribution to the work we do here at ATK Space Systems. Kristin has engaged herself in our engineering and manufacturing processes in such a way that she alleviates a lot of the every day support tasks that would normally pull me away from my work. We hope to add her to our engineering staff when she graduates next year.”

Year of Graduation: December 2006
Major(s)/Degree: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Favorite Course at UMBC: Elements of Aerospace Engineering and Design

Kristin Crizer
ATK Space Systems

“I support product engineers in the manufacturing process of heat pipes. I find the hands-on work to be the most valuable. I get to see heat pipes in different parts of the manufacturing process, watch different procedures and tests, help to solve problems as they arise and support a project from start to finish. Mike is a great hands-on mentor because he spends a lot of time explaining the concepts of heat pipes to me using heat pipes and sketches for clarification.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2009
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite Course at UMBC: The Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials

Second Language Testing, Inc.

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Justin Kelly
Language Aptitude Coordinator
Second Language Testing, Inc.

“I love that interns are eager to learn about my area of specialization and can contribute in important ways to the research mission that is the foundation of our organization.”

Year of Graduation: 2000
Major(s)/Degree: B.A. in Spanish/Applied Linguistics (MLL)
Other Education: M.S., Theoretical Linguistics, Georgetown University, 2006;
Ph.D. Candidate (ABD),
Theoretical Linguistics (Syntax-Semantics Interface), Georgetown University
Favorite Course at UMBC: Don Quijote de la Mancha and Syntax

Yujung Son
Second Language Testing, Inc.

“I loved helping produce language tests in various formats throughout the intern experience. Also, creating language aptitude items in Korean allowed me to learn the difference between my native language, Korean, and English, which I found a great asset for my future studies.” 

Expected Graduation: December 2008
Major: Instructional System Development concentration on ESOL/Bilingual
Favorite Course at UMBC: Grammar of American English for ESOL teachers

Sunyoung Park
Second Language Testing, Inc.

“By creating Korean version aptitude tests, I am getting keen on my own language in terms of its grammar and standard written structures, which I didn’t really care about that much before. It helps me figure out that teaching a language requires a special training regardless of being a native speaker of the language. Connecting this experience to my career after graduation, I am becoming more confident in teaching English as a qualified language teacher.” 

Expected Graduation: December 2008
Major: Instructional System Development concentration on ESOL/Bilingual
Favorite Course at UMBC: Human Learning and Cognition

Vision Systems & Technology

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Clinton Totten
Software Engineer
Vision Systems & Technology, Inc.

“An intern brings a lot of positive energy to the workplace and new “out-of-the-box” thinking. It gives me a chance to share my ideas and knowledge with a student and work on my own leadership skills. Also, I am able to get a non-biased and fresh perspective on workflow.”

Year of Graduation: 1999
Major(s)/Degree: B.S. in Biological Sciences
Favorite Course at UMBC: Genetics

Stephen Kawata
Vision Systems & Technology, Inc.

“With my experience at VSTI, I value the knowledge I’ve gained from the various areas of expertise in the company. I get to learn how IT is used in the real business world. I am able to learn useful information from my mentor as well as other co-workers. I value the opportunity to be part of a team working on a specific project and be part of the VSTI employee team as a whole.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2009
Major: Information Systems
Favorite Course at UMBC: User Interface Design

GE Healthcare

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Bruce Berlage
Mechanical Engineer
GE Healthcare

“I enjoy the enthusiasm interns bring. I also enjoy helping them learn and aiding them in any way that I can. It’s a great chance to help out others in their career development.”

Year of Graduation: 1997
Major(s)/Degree: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Other Education: Enproco Design and Drafting Institute
2-year Mechanical Design and Drafting course
Favorite Course at UMBC: Advanced Material Science

Kevin Hooper
GE Healthcare

“I am working on systems that will help premature babies who are sick become well. This is very rewarding. I also value the relationships that I am building with the employees here and the vast positions that they hold. It is a very friendly and open environment.” 

Expected Graduation: December 2008
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite Course at UMBC: Mechanics of Materials

Cera Products, Inc.

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
Charlene Riikonen
(Charlene Dale at UMBC)
Cera Products, Inc.

“Interns bring new ideas, energy and fresh approaches to ways we have been accustomed to presenting our image to the world. For example, our visual art interns have taken our old art and re-shaped it so that our products look fresher and more timely. Our production engineer, who was an intern for several months before coming on full time, is coming up with ways to streamline steps in manufacturing, which should help us produce more efficiently and possibly save money in the process. This is a win-win approach, where the interns learn but we do, too!”

Year of Graduation: 1980
Major(s)/Degree: B.A. in American Studies
Other Education:Some master’s work in business; various technical courses in manufacturing and production
Favorite Course at UMBC: Southern American Literature and Photography

UMBC Mentor/Alumnus:
David Dunn
Production Engineer
Cera Products, Inc.

“I like being able to guide the interns when I can and learn from them”

Year of Graduation: 2008
Major(s)/Degree: B.S. in Chemical Engineering
Favorite Course at UMBC: Chemical Engineering

Jennifer Hong
Cera Products, Inc.

“This internship provided real-world, practical experience in my field. Also, I was fortunate to be working in such a close environment, where the president of CERA was available right down the hallway. This made it easier for me to stay in close contact with her in case any problems or issues came up.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2009
Major: Graphic Design with a Minor in Art History
Favorite Course at UMBC: Introduction to Art and Media Studies

Matthew Curtin
Cera Products, Inc.

“Gaining real world experiences and working with clients has been a very valuable experience for me.” 

Expected Graduation: May 2009
Major: Visual Arts – Graphic Design and Media Communications
Favorite Course at UMBC: Introduction to Art and Media Studies
