A Special Video Message from President Hrabowski

Published: Dec 2, 2013


Time is running out for your chance to win the Maryland Charity Campaign grand prize: two round-trip tickets to anywhere that Southwest Airlines flies!

The deadline for the grand prize drawing has been extended. Be sure to make your gift or pledge before the end of the day, Tuesday, December 3, to be eligible for the grand prize drawing. Everyone who has contributed to the fall campaign is automatically entered into the drawing.

There’s still time to give. The campaign is accepting all donations through the end of the week. If you have not yet had a chance to do so, we encourage you to help support the many nonprofit organizations that serve our surrounding community, and consider a gift of any amount.

Please make your donation by completing your pledge form or visiting mdcharity.org. If you have not received a form, please download and fill out a pledge card and turn it into your coordinator.