Hrabowski Fund for Innovation awardees announced

Published: Sep 16, 2024

Aerial view of the UMBC campus on an overcast day, showcasing modern red brick buildings with glass facades, manicured green lawns, and walking paths. In the distance, a panorama of autumn-colored trees and the Baltimore city skyline.

UMBC’s Faculty Development Center has announced the projects selected to receive grants in the 2023 – 2024 rounds of the Hrabowski Fund for Innovation competition. The Fund supports initiatives to enhance teaching and learning at UMBC, with specific emphasis on innovative approaches to increase student success. 

“These high-profile awards emphasize the university’s ongoing commitment to support faculty and staff efforts in innovation in teaching and learning,” says Kerrie Kephart, interim director, Faculty Development Center. “Projects funded from the Hrabowski Fund are often catalysts for the broader adoption of innovative teaching and student success initiatives across campus.”

Proposals for the next round are due by October 25, 2024. For more information and to apply, visit UMBC’s Faculty Development Center website. Many awardees will be sharing their work during the poster/demo session at the Eighth Annual Provost’s Teaching and Learning Symposium (PT&LS) on Friday, September 27. Please see the PT&LS myUMBC post for more information and to register for the symposium.