Science & Tech

Three generations, thousands of miles: Scientists unlock the mystery of a dragonfly’s migration

“We know that a lot of insects migrate, but we have full life history and full migration data for only a couple. This is the first dragonfly in the Western Hemisphere for which we know this,” says Colin Studds. “We’ve solved the first piece of a big mystery.” Continue Reading Three generations, thousands of miles: Scientists unlock the mystery of a dragonfly’s migration

Student entrepreneurs share fresh perspectives at UMBC’s 9th annual Idea Competition

UMBC’s Idea Competition offers students from all fields an opportunity to present business ideas to a panel of expert judges and receive immediate feedback on moving from vision to reality. The university’s Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship hosts this competition each fall. This year’s event featured ten project finalists. Student teams had just three minutes each to sell the judges and the crowd on their innovative product and business ideas. Vivian Armor, director of the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship, notes that the popular event now receives submissions from nearly every major across campus. Armor, herself an alumna of UMBC… Continue Reading Student entrepreneurs share fresh perspectives at UMBC’s 9th annual Idea Competition

UMBC launches PROMISE Academy with USM partners, to support diverse faculty in the biomedical sciences

The PROMISE Academy will draw on the expertise of universities around the nation and evidence-based best practices to recruit and retain a diverse group of faculty members in STEM fields. “With so many top programs supporting the success of diverse students and faculty, UMBC has a strong foundation on which to build,” Renetta Tull said. Continue Reading UMBC launches PROMISE Academy with USM partners, to support diverse faculty in the biomedical sciences

UMBC and Morgan Stanley support students and research in data-intensive computing fields

The collaboration is made possible by Morgan Stanley’s contribution of $125,000 toward several UMBC initiatives, renewable annually for up to four additional years. “Morgan Stanley already employs so many UMBC graduates and student interns,” says Anupam Joshi, UMBC’s chair of computer science and electrical engineering. “This scholarship fund further supports our shared commitment to developing a diverse talent pool for the future.” Continue Reading UMBC and Morgan Stanley support students and research in data-intensive computing fields

Bahama Oriole Project team awarded NSF grant to offer more UMBC undergrads international research experiences

“Being on the Bahama Oriole Project was my first hands-on glimpse at international research,” Matthew Kane ’19 says. “It was the first time I had seen scientists from two different countries collaborating on a conservation project on this scale.” Continue Reading Bahama Oriole Project team awarded NSF grant to offer more UMBC undergrads international research experiences

UMBC’s Alan Sherman and colleagues receive over $5M in NSF support for cybersecurity education

The National Science Foundation recently awarded Alan Sherman, professor of computer science and electrical engineering (CSEE), two grants totaling over five million dollars to support his students and research at UMBC. Sherman will work with several faculty across campus, including Rick Forno and Dhananjay Phatak (CSEE) and Linda Oliva (education). Continue Reading UMBC’s Alan Sherman and colleagues receive over $5M in NSF support for cybersecurity education

New UMBC research suggests need to rethink goals of global reforestation efforts

Forests store carbon, clean water, prevent soil erosion, and provide habitat for a wide range of species, “but all those benefits start kicking in when forests are older,” says Matthew Fagan. Based on their new research, Fagan and colleagues argue that nations would do better to take the long view when committing to forest restoration. Continue Reading New UMBC research suggests need to rethink goals of global reforestation efforts

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