
NeighborhoodNet Wins First Place at Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition

The second annual Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition (CBIC) was held on Thursday, April 23. The CBIC allows graduate and undergraduate students from UMBC the chance to plan a start-up and is coordinated by the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship through a gift from Greg Cangialosi ’96, English. The award offers teams cash awards, as well as a membership to Betamore, an incubator and educational facility in Federal Hill co-founded by Cangialosi. This year, seven teams were chosen out of 28 applicants to present their business ideas to a panel of three judges, including Ed Chalfin, co-chair of the Baltimore Angels,… Continue Reading NeighborhoodNet Wins First Place at Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition

Support & Guidance for Our Community in Light of Recent Events

TO: The UMBC Community FROM: Freeman Hrabowski and Philip Rous During this challenging time for our Baltimore community, our primary goal is to ensure the safety of all members of our community. We are aware that events in Baltimore City and the 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew affect many of our students, faculty, and staff living, working, and studying in and around the city. We encourage everyone who may be impacted to use their best judgment when making decisions about travelling to and from campus. We encourage our faculty, staff, and students to be flexible in accommodating the challenges… Continue Reading Support & Guidance for Our Community in Light of Recent Events

Open Forum on Campus Construction Projects (5/1)

Facilities Management will be providing an open forum to provide details about all upcoming and ongoing campus construction projects. The open forum will be held in ITE Room 104 (Lecture Hall 7) from 12-12:50 p.m., Friday, May 1, 2015. The projects to be discussed affect the entire campus population and will be of interest to the majority of staff, faculty and students on campus. The New Campus Entrance This project alters the intersections at UMBC Blvd., Research Park Drive, and Hilltop Circle to incorporate traffic circles for improved safety and better traffic flow. Pedestrian plazas adjacent to the RAC and… Continue Reading Open Forum on Campus Construction Projects (5/1)

Norman Augustine, USM Board of Regents, Visits UMBC

On April 9, Norman Augustine, member of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents and former chair and CEO of Lockheed-Martin , visited UMBC to learn more about engineering education and research, as well as technology transfer from universities to the marketplace. During his visit, Augustine met with President Hrabowski, Julia Ross, dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT), and several COEIT faculty. After Ross spoke about COEIT’s success in producing more IT graduates than any other university in Maryland, Anupam Joshi, computer science and electrical engineering, discussed UMBC’s work in cybersecurity. Penny Rheingans, center for… Continue Reading Norman Augustine, USM Board of Regents, Visits UMBC

USM Women’s Forum Scholarship and Award Opportunities (6/30 Deadline)

The USM Women’s Forum Student Scholarship (up to $500) is open to all students enrolled/attending a USM institution for the fall semester of the year scholarship application. To be eligible for the award, you must have earned a total of 48 undergraduate OR 9 graduate credits, have a minimum GPA of 3.0 at your USM institution, be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and have demonstrated financial need. One scholarship per lifetime. The scholarship is open to both men and women. Application materials must be received by June 30th in order to be considered for the award. The USM Women’s… Continue Reading USM Women’s Forum Scholarship and Award Opportunities (6/30 Deadline)

Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award

We are pleased to announce the new Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award. This award is supported by an endowment created by Dr. Marilyn Demorest, Professor Emerita of Psychology and former Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs, to “support the advancement of all UMBC faculty members in their academic careers; to facilitate their professional development; and to recognize their contributions to faculty advancement and success at UMBC.” This fund will be awarded annually to faculty who mentor and/or advise faculty and colleagues in their field. The Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award is conferred annually for a term of one year… Continue Reading Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award

Nazi Paikidze ’16, Information Systems, Places 2nd at U.S. Women’s Chess Championship

Congratulations to International Master Nazi Paikidze ’16, information systems, who recently finished in second place at the U.S. Women’s Chess Championship, held at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis. Nazi went undefeated through eleven rounds, finishing with seven draws and four wins, including one against the seven-time and defending champion, Grandmaster, Irina Krush. The full article can be found on the UMBC Chess Program Blog at

UMBC Earth Day Events 2015 (4/16-4/24)

Celebrate sustainability and Earth Day with an array of academic, social, service and awareness events here at UMBC: EcoFest: Green Festival Mon, 4/20 | 10am-2pm | The Quad (Rain location: Gameroom) A Green Festival with music, games, speakers, performances, food, crafts, giveaways, and more! Hosted by Students for Environmental Awareness. Communication Climate Symposium Mon, 4/20 | 12:30pm-6pm | UC Ballroom Presentations and poster session featuring research related to climate change. Hosted by Joint Center for Earth Technologies, UMBC partnership with NASA. Beautiful Earth (Part of the Climate Symposium) Mon, 4/20 | 3:30pm | UC Ballroom An artistic multi-media presentation, featuring… Continue Reading UMBC Earth Day Events 2015 (4/16-4/24)

Undergraduate Commencement Seating for Faculty/Staff Guests

If you, you spouse, or your child are graduating this spring in UMBC’s undergraduate commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 21, please contact Leslie Waters in the Office of Institutional Advancement at lwaters@umbc.eduor ext. 5-8652 as soon as possible. We are able to provide reserved seating for up to six guests for these UMBC faculty and staff members. Please contact us ASAP so we can plan accordingly. Thanks.

Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes his 48th Book

Robert Deluty, associate dean of the graduate school, has published a new volume of poetry “Worthy of Consideration.” In his review, Ronald Pies writes: “Robert Deluty’s excellent new collection of short poems presents us with an intriguing dialectic, partly inspired by epigrams from the writer Hermann Hesse. On the one hand, for Hesse, ‘. . . every man’s story is important, eternal, sacred.’ On the other hand, Hesse tells us that his own story is ‘not sweet and harmonious’ but is filled with ‘folly and bewilderment’ – even madness. Deluty’s poems vibrate with this dynamic tension: sometimes evoking the eternal… Continue Reading Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes his 48th Book

DoIT Seeks Campus Feedback Through IT User Survey

As part of its annual assessment plan, the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) encourages the campus community to complete the annual survey of information technology services. This brief (10 minute max), anonymous survey will help us in our planning for academic year 2015-16 and provides important feedback to understand what technology services are important to you and how well we are meeting your needs. The survey results are shared with our governance committees and used in our planning for the upcoming year.

Chelsea Moyer, Program Coordinator, Wins Outstanding Service to Students Award

Congratulations to Chelsea Moyer, the 2015 Kendall Outstanding Service to Students Award recipient at The Universities at Shady Grove. Chelsea is currently a Program Coordinator for UMBC-Shady Grove, mainly working with prospective students and applicants for the four undergraduate programs offered in Rockville. Nominated by her colleagues and UMBC students, this award is given to a staff member working at a partner institution at The Universities at Shady Grove with a minimum of two years of service. The recipient must demonstrate commitment to students through high quality student services, be an active participant in student life, and participate in professional/leadership… Continue Reading Chelsea Moyer, Program Coordinator, Wins Outstanding Service to Students Award

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