All posts by: Magazine Editor

Behind the Scenes: Josef Novotny '04

Every year, swarms of talented singers, dancers and aspiring filmmakers move to Los Angeles looking for a chance at stardom. A meager few actually do it, seeming to instantly top the charts and clog the tabloids. Many more fail, finding the road to celebrity too difficult. Then there are the patient ones, like former UMBC tennis standout Josef Novotny ’04. Using his skills on the courts to network and secure odd jobs on the sets of movies like Eli Roth’s “Hostel: Part II,” he has begun the long climb to fulfilling his dream of becoming a filmmaker. “When I moved… Continue Reading Behind the Scenes: Josef Novotny '04

Behind the Scenes: Josef Novotny ’04

Every year, swarms of talented singers, dancers and aspiring filmmakers move to Los Angeles looking for a chance at stardom. A meager few actually do it, seeming to instantly top the charts and clog the tabloids. Many more fail, finding the road to celebrity too difficult. Then there are the patient ones, like former UMBC tennis standout Josef Novotny ’04. Using his skills on the courts to network and secure odd jobs on the sets of movies like Eli Roth’s “Hostel: Part II,” he has begun the long climb to fulfilling his dream of becoming a filmmaker. “When I moved… Continue Reading Behind the Scenes: Josef Novotny ’04

Better Than Fiction: Arnold T. Blumberg '93

The next time someone teases you about your hidden passion for philately, Hummel figurines or sudoku, consider the successes of UMBC’s own Dr. Arnold T. Blumberg. An avid comic book reader and collector since early childhood, Blumberg ’93, English, has managed to weave his love of super heroes, zombies, monsters and robots into a career as a published author, adjunct professor and – most recently – curator of the brand-new Geppi’s Entertainment Museum, a mecca of pop culture paraphernalia located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. “I like to joke with people and tell them all my hobbies have eventually turned into… Continue Reading Better Than Fiction: Arnold T. Blumberg '93

Better Than Fiction: Arnold T. Blumberg ’93

The next time someone teases you about your hidden passion for philately, Hummel figurines or sudoku, consider the successes of UMBC’s own Dr. Arnold T. Blumberg. An avid comic book reader and collector since early childhood, Blumberg ’93, English, has managed to weave his love of super heroes, zombies, monsters and robots into a career as a published author, adjunct professor and – most recently – curator of the brand-new Geppi’s Entertainment Museum, a mecca of pop culture paraphernalia located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. “I like to joke with people and tell them all my hobbies have eventually turned into… Continue Reading Better Than Fiction: Arnold T. Blumberg ’93

Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn '85

Eric Conn doesn’t exactly have a traditional career. Then again, he was never a traditional student. Between switching majors several times and taking a few years off from college to play in a rock band, it took Conn nearly seven years to finish school. However, he has never regretted his decision to take a non-traditional path. In fact, it is Conn’s adventurous edge that has allowed the 1985 computer science major to prosper as an inventor and entrepreneur. His latest project, – a social networking site that allows users to e-mail photos from their cell phones to a real-time… Continue Reading Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn '85

Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn ’85

Eric Conn doesn’t exactly have a traditional career. Then again, he was never a traditional student. Between switching majors several times and taking a few years off from college to play in a rock band, it took Conn nearly seven years to finish school. However, he has never regretted his decision to take a non-traditional path. In fact, it is Conn’s adventurous edge that has allowed the 1985 computer science major to prosper as an inventor and entrepreneur. His latest project, – a social networking site that allows users to e-mail photos from their cell phones to a real-time… Continue Reading Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn ’85

Born Leader: Jason Chamberlain ’97

Jason Chamberlain first learned the value of investment as a kindergartener. Urged by his parents to deposit his allowance into a savings account, the youngster quickly learned that with a little patience, his pennies would grow to nickels, his quarters to dollars. Today, as vice president of wealth management for Smith Barney and incoming president of the UMBC Alumni Association Board of Directors, Chamberlain takes a similar approach to life, his career and his role as an alumnus. With a little effort and time, anything is possible. “UMBC is like most things in life,” said Chamberlain, who majored in economics… Continue Reading Born Leader: Jason Chamberlain ’97

Born Leader: Jason Chamberlain '97

Jason Chamberlain first learned the value of investment as a kindergartener. Urged by his parents to deposit his allowance into a savings account, the youngster quickly learned that with a little patience, his pennies would grow to nickels, his quarters to dollars. Today, as vice president of wealth management for Smith Barney and incoming president of the UMBC Alumni Association Board of Directors, Chamberlain takes a similar approach to life, his career and his role as an alumnus. With a little effort and time, anything is possible. “UMBC is like most things in life,” said Chamberlain, who majored in economics… Continue Reading Born Leader: Jason Chamberlain '97

Swimming Upstream: George Maroulis ’73

At four o’clock in the morning, most of the world is quietly sleeping. However, George Maroulis ’73 is hard at work. As general manager of the Fulton Fish Market in the Bronx, N.Y., this UMBC alum spends the early hours of his mornings running one of the largest fish markets in the world. Maroulis describes the Fulton, which does over a billion dollars of business each year, as “one of a kind.” Alumni Relations staff member Carol Myers ’72, who spent an early April morning touring the facility with Maroulis, agrees. “It’s like walking into a giant refrigerator!” she describes,… Continue Reading Swimming Upstream: George Maroulis ’73

A Nose for News: Jamie Smith Hopkins '98

When it comes to spotting trends, Jamie Smith Hopkins ’98 is – appropriately – usually one step ahead of her competitors. At 28 years old, Hopkins’ instinctive nose for news and willingness to complete months-long data studies have already propelled her to the top of her craft as a business reporter for the Baltimore Sun. Just last month, in addition to six other awards, the former UMBC valedictorian was named top journalist under the age of 30 by the National Association of Real Estate Editors. And to think, much of Hopkins’ training came from her time as a staff reporter… Continue Reading A Nose for News: Jamie Smith Hopkins '98

Around the Clock Creative: Katie Hirsch '04

Katie Hirsch is one of the lucky few who manages to combine her passions with her job. An animation and computer enthusiast since childhood, Hirsch has used her talent and enthusiasm for both fields in her career as a computer game developer, and, most recently, in her production of a short animated film about a hungry reptile. Hirsch’s two-minute short, “Dragin’ On,” will premiere in this month’s Maryland Film Festival at Baltimore’s Charles Theatre. “I was inspired to make the film because I wanted to create a made-up world with made-up rules,” said Hirsch, who graduated from UMBC in 2004… Continue Reading Around the Clock Creative: Katie Hirsch '04

In the Eye of the Storm: Cindy Dahlstrom McNitt '81

We’ve seen many images of the impact of Hurricane Katrina over the last six months: photographs of the hordes displaced from their New Orleans homes, video footage of the volunteers rebuilding, house by house. But Cindy Dahlstrom McNitt sees another side of the damage. As a licensed clinical social worker from the small town of Slidell, La. – which sustained major damages, falling within the eye of the storm – she witnesses the emotional effects of the flooding on a daily basis. “Since everyone here is experiencing some degree of stress, my clinical work is not confined to the office,”… Continue Reading In the Eye of the Storm: Cindy Dahlstrom McNitt '81

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