All posts by: Dinah Winnick

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

A new Baltimore Sun column by UMBC’s Thomas F. Schaller, professor of political science, examines last week’s rejection of President Barack Obama’s proposal “to exchange a cut in corporate tax rates for an infrastructure-based jobs stimulus plan” by Congressional Republications. Schaller suggest that this rejection was motivated in part by knowledge among GOP members of Congress that “corporate tax rates aren’t nearly as punitive for corporate America as they claim them to be.” Schaller notes that although President Obama suggests lowering the nominal corporate tax rate from 35% to 28%, the figure of more importance is the “effective” tax rate, which… Continue Reading Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

Roy Meyers, Political Science, on PolitiFact

The fact-checking site PolitiFact recently asked UMBC political science professor Roy T. Meyers to weigh in on the accuracy of House Speaker John Boehner’s statement that President Obama has “announced that he would not sign any spending bills this year unless sequestration spending cuts are eliminated.” Meyers noted that Statements of Administration Policy (SAPs) Boehner references here do indicate a veto threat, saying that this type of wording from the Obama administration is usually “meant as a strong ‘no’ … but a ‘no’ that is meant to say he is firm in his position and that it’s time to negotiate.”… Continue Reading Roy Meyers, Political Science, on PolitiFact

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in AP Story and Baltimore Sun

UMBC political science professor Thomas F. Schaller commented on the high profile that recent ex-presidents are assuming in public affairs and politics in an AP story that appeared on NPR this week, In “Ex-Presidents Club: Lots of life after White House,” Schaller says that “the opportunities are greater” for ex-presidents who want to remain engaged after their time in office. He points to the globalization of politics and increased collaboration among current and former leaders, such as the Clinton-Bush partnerships to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami in Indonesia. For more detail, read “The Contemporary Presidency: Postpresidential Influence… Continue Reading Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in AP Story and Baltimore Sun

Donald Norris, Public Policy, on MPT’s “State Circle”

Donald F. Norris, professor and chair of public policy at UMBC, appeared on Maryland Public Television’s “State Circle” on July 12th, discussing the 2014 Maryland governor’s race. Norris commented on the distinct strategies of two leading contenders, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, who announced early, and Attorney General Doug Gansler, who is delaying his announcement. Norris argued that Brown’s team appears to have the stronger strategy. “They are out there—they are doing stuff, they are getting endorsements, they are raising money—and that really takes the edge off anything their opposition can do,” said Norris. “And the more of this they do,… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, on MPT’s “State Circle”

Del. John A. Olszewski Jr., Public Policy PhD Student, Running for Maryland Senate

UMBC public policy PhD student Del. John A. Olszewski Jr. has announced that he is running for Maryland Senate in what the Baltimore Sun calls “a generational shift in Baltimore County politics.” The Dundalk-area seat he will seek is currently held by Sen. Norman R. Stone Jr., who, at the age of 77, will retire after almost 50 years in office. Olszewski said, “I’m running so I can be an even more aggressive advocate for the residents of District 6.” He noted, “My experience is that people are looking for common sense solutions to everyday problems. I’m not opposed to… Continue Reading Del. John A. Olszewski Jr., Public Policy PhD Student, Running for Maryland Senate

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

Del. Heather Mizeur plans to announce her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for governor this week, joining Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown as an official candidate in the June 2014 primary. If elected, Mizeur would become the first woman to serve as Maryland governor as well as the first openly gay governor in the nation, but Donald F. Norris, professor and chair of public policy at UMBC, told The Baltimore Sun that Mizeur faces “formidable odds” in trying to jump from the Maryland General Assembly to the governor’s office. “She’s not known at all outside her district. She’s going to have… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

UMBC Commencement 2013 on Storify

Still sorting through your Commencement photos? Miss this year’s ceremony? View the story of UMBC Commencement 2013 on Storify, with photos, videos and comments from across the UMBC community, including our graduating students and their families.

Christine Mair and Brandy Harris Wallace in Gerontology Video

Christine A. Mair and Brandy Harris Wallace, both assistant professors in UMBC’s Department of Sociology and Anthropology, appear in a new video highlighting the UMB-UMBC gerontology doctoral program—a unique, cross-campus collaboration. As they describe, gerontology is a field that is interdisciplinary at its core, because aging is a lifelong process that impacts us all. Mair and Harris Wallace explain how interdisciplinarity functions in the field, which includes sociologists, public policy experts, epidemiologists and many others with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. They also describe their own research in how expectations of care can impact happiness in later life (Mair) and the… Continue Reading Christine Mair and Brandy Harris Wallace in Gerontology Video

Laura Hussey, Political Science, in Southern Maryland News

“An important part of one’s success as a [gubernatorial] nominee is getting the mentions and being perceived as a credible candidate,” Laura Hussey told Southern Maryland News, responding to Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s endorsement of Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown for governor. Hussey, an assistant professor of political science at UMBC, notes that Brown is a front-runner in the election and endorsements like Rawlings-Blake’s can deter potential rivals, but Brown will face challengers. Attorney General Doug Gansler has already raised millions for a gubernatorial bid, and U.S. Rep. “Dutch” Ruppersberger and Del. Heather Mizeur are widely considered to be possible contenders. Hussey says… Continue Reading Laura Hussey, Political Science, in Southern Maryland News

The Hilltop Institute in The Baltimore Sun, on WYPR and More

Last Tuesday, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced it would give companies with more than 50 full-time workers more time to understand the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) before implementing penalties for businesses that do not provide health insurance to employees. In her report on this development, The Baltimore Sun‘s Andrea K. Walker cites analysis by The Hilltop Institute at UMBC, published last year, which found that delaying the employer mandate would affect about 10,000 people in Maryland. As individuals would still be required to buy insurance by Jan. 1 or face a $95 penalty, that report… Continue Reading The Hilltop Institute in The Baltimore Sun, on WYPR and More

Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the New Republic and Baltimore Sun

It’s been a busy few weeks in the news for UMBC political science professor Thomas F. Schaller. In addition to his regular Baltimore Sun op-eds — most recently on immigration reform and the GOP’s demographic future — Schaller was quoted in The New Republic article “He’s Handsome, He’s Progressive, He’s a Rocker…” on Gov. Martin O’Malley’s presidential prospects. There, Schaller argues that it’s hard do build a national campaign on being a competent manager, without having a clear, coherent political identity. Additionally, Schaller commented in the Baltimore Sun on Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s endorsement of Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown as governor,… Continue Reading Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the New Republic and Baltimore Sun

Emerald Christopher, LLC PhD Student, Honored as WREI Congressional Fellow

Earlier this month, Emerald Christopher—a Language, Literacy and Culture PhD student at UMBC—was recognized at a reception honoring Women’s Research and Education Institute (WREI) 2013 Congressional Fellows on Women and Public Policy (see photo). Through this fellowship program she has served as a legislative assistant in the Office of Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut’s third district. Christopher’s portfolio has included legislation on women’s equal pay, paid sick days, domestic human trafficking and the Congressional Baby Caucus. She has drafted legislation, written talking points and letters for the Congresswoman, and planned and implemented events for the Congressional Baby Caucus, among other… Continue Reading Emerald Christopher, LLC PhD Student, Honored as WREI Congressional Fellow

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