A diverse group of students sit together outside, overlooking the UMBC quad.

UMBC Undergraduates & Alumni

Find opportunities to further advance your undergraduate career with graduate-level courses at UMBC.

Taking Grad Courses as an Undergrad

There are opportunities to further advance your undergraduate career with graduate-level courses at UMBC. These opportunities increase the value of your undergraduate education, and can even provide a jump-start to your graduate career.

Make Sure You Get Approval

An undergraduate student seeking enrollment in graduate courses must complete the Approval for Undergraduates to Take Graduate Credit form.

For Undergraduate Credit

Subject to requirements determined by the program offering the course, undergraduate students may register in the undergraduate college for graduate-level courses (i.e., those numbered in the 600’s to 700’s, with the exception of 798 and 799) for undergraduate credit.

A student seeking this option normally will be in the final undergraduate year; have earned an accumulated grade point average of at least 3.0; have successfully completed, with a grade of ‘B’ or better, the prerequisite and correlative courses; and be a major in the appropriate or a closely related department offering the course.

Good to Know

Enrollment in a graduate-level course does not in any way imply subsequent departmental or Graduate School approval for credit for a graduate degree at UMBC, except in relation to approved accelerated programs.

For Graduate Credit

University System of Maryland undergraduate students who have a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the discipline in which the graduate course is to be taken and who are within seven credits of graduation may register in the undergraduate college for certain 600-level and higher courses, which may later be counted for credit toward a graduate degree at UMBC if the student is in an approved accelerated program.

Except in approved accelerated programs, the credits must be in addition to those required for the student’s undergraduate degree. Credits in the senior year exceeding those required for graduation cannot be used for graduate credit without prior written approval of the appropriate faculty and the Graduate School.

Accelerated Program

Get ahead! Our accelerated program is for current UMBC undergraduates who wish to double count credits towards both their bachelor’s degree and a certificate or master’s degree.

Interested students will need their applications signed off by both their undergraduate advisor and the appropriate graduate program director.

Inter-Institutional Enrollment

For Graduate Credit

If you are a UMBC graduate student and want to take a course at another University System of Maryland institution, please submit the Inter-Institutional Enrollment form to the Registrar’s Office at UMBC.

For Visiting Students

To enroll in a course at UMBC as a graduate student from another university, submit the form to the Registrar’s Office at your university. Your home institution’s registrar will communicate your application information to the host’s registrar.

Here is the Inter-Institutional Enrollment form.

A young Asian woman and young white man sitting across from each other while reading and studying.

UMBC Alumni Scholarship

You qualify if:

  • You are a new graduate student admitted for the first time to an upcoming semester
  • You have received a degree from UMBC or will have received a degree from UMBC before you begin
  • You enroll in a degree seeking master’s or certificate program

To obtain the fee waiver please email gradschool@umbc.edu.

No additional scholarship application is required. If you do qualify, the award will be posted to your account under anticipated aid.

If you have any questions about this tuition scholarship or further details about requirements, please contact Mike Suica at suica1@umbc.edu.

Regular admission requirements and deadlines still apply. If the deadline for your program of choice has passed, contact the program coordinator to see if you can still apply.

Employees of the University System of Maryland (including UMBC) or any spouse/dependent of an employee of a University System of Maryland school (including UMBC) receiving tuition remission do not qualify for this scholarship.

Contact Us

UMBC’s Graduate School Office

Mailing Address

UMBC Graduate School
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD, 21250

Phone Number

Available Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

or Contact a Staff Member

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