UMBC Homepage Profile Archives

Published: Sep 27, 2002

>Bringing Politics Close to Home

UMBCÂ’s resident expert on the American presidency, Tom Schaller, has more than enough to keep busy in these exciting political times. Whether he is drawing comparisons between the presidencies of William McKinley and George W. Bush or guiding undergraduates through internships in legislative offices throughout Annapolis or Washington, D.C., Schaller, an assistant professor of political science, brings his research to the most pressing political issues of the day. more…

  Diane Lee   Evolution of an Honors University

Diane Lee, vice provost for undergraduate education and associate professor of education, takes UMBCÂ’s tagline, An Honors University in Maryland, personally. Lee works to ensure that the honors mission has practical meaning in everyday lives for UMBC students, faculty and staff. more…

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