Professional Development Day 2015 (4/7)

Published: Jan 30, 2015

facstaff5HRSave the date!  And please avoid scheduling other campus events on this date.

Our 2015 Professional Development Day for faculty and staff will be on Tuesday, April 7th.

Organizational Consultant and Executive Coach, Ken Buch will be presenting a half-day session based on the latest brain science: ‘Meet Your Brain: Does it Serve You or Do You Serve It?’

In the world of work today where we need to do more with less, having a basic understanding of your neuroleadership preferences is essential to being both efficient and effective.  Regardless of your position, age, gender or tenure, learning how to take charge of your brain and create your success is a powerful outcome you won’t want to miss.

Basic brain functions are influencing your actions every second of the day.  In certain circumstances your brain takes charge of you quite masterfully and tricks you to do its bidding.  Learning how to take control of it can lead to achieving your desired results and can elevate morale, productivity and collaboration when in the classroom, leading others, influencing outcomes, managing projects and building stronger relationships.

You will leave this session knowing your brain more intimately than you thought possible.  Whether working by yourself or with others, these strategies will create optimum conditions for you to influence positive behavioral change and achieve desired results!

This half-day session will be offered twice.  The morning session runs from 8:15 a.m. – 12 noon.  The afternoon session runs from 12:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

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