UMBC Interim Policy on Prohibited Sexual Misconduct and Other Related Misconduct Approved

Published: Dec 23, 2014

UMBCUMBC’s Interim Policy on Prohibited Sexual Misconduct and Other Related Misconduct was approved by President Hrabowski on December 22, 2014, and includes more information on prohibited misconduct that includes Sexual and Gender Based Harassment, Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Intimidation, Sex and Gender Based Stalking, and Retaliation. The policy follows recent updates in the USM Policy on Sexual Misconduct. Some campus training is underway and additional training is being developed.

Please take a moment to review the policy. For concerns about Gender-Based Misconduct, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Stephanie Lazarus at 410-455-5745. All students have additional campus based supports through the Voices Against Violence program, and the VAV Program Coordinator, Rina Rhyne, can provide support and information at 410-455-3748.

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