Dale Bittinger, Admissions, Describes “House of Grit” on Midday with Dan Rodricks

Published: Dec 11, 2014

Dale Bittinger, assistant vice-provost for admissions and orientation, visited WYPR’s Midday with Dan Rodricks to discuss the concept of “grit” in education. He was joined by Elaine Tuttle Hansen, executive director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, and Natalia Walker, principal of KIPP Baltimore.

The conversation began with a discussion of grit and how it has become a buzzword in education. Bittinger shared the history of grit at UMBC and how it has been a part of our campus culture since its founding in 1966. Bittinger also described “House of Grit,” UMBC’s new admissions marketing campaign. “The House of Grit campaign really allowed us to focus on the individuality of the students on our campus, but at the same point in time, the community that makes UMBC such a place that it is.”

Bittinger emphasized that intelligence and grit are not mutually exclusive. He gave the example of Billy Heavner, goalie on the men’s soccer team, and how he excels in academics with a 4.0 G.P.A. and also has grit on the soccer field.

Click here to listen to “Grit in Schools” on Midday with Dan Rodricks. Find out more about the “House of Grit” here.

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