
Happy Retriever Love Week!

A couple of weeks ago, we put out a call on social media for couples whose love stories began at UMBC. We got so many great responses that while Valentine’s Day may have come and gone, we’ve decided to extend the holiday through Friday to share your stories on the blog. Happy Valentine’s Day the Second through Sixth! — In August 2000, Kenneth Knight ’03, information systems, and M.S. ’05, information systems, was a transfer student looking for advice on his classes. During a fire drill, a mutual friend led him to Angela Washington Knight ’03, information systems, and M.S. ’05, information systems, and from… Continue Reading Happy Retriever Love Week!

Roundup: UMBC in the News

One of the things that makes UMBC great is how wonderful our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are. Because of these amazing people, UMBC often finds itself “in the news,” so each week, we’ll be sharing with you a round-up of the most newsworthy achievements from our community. Dr. Freeman Hrabowski delivered a speech at Clemson University for its President’s Lecture Series on Leadership and Diversity, and was joined on stage by Clemson president Jim Clements ’85, computer science, M.S. ’91, operations analysis, Ph.D. ’93 operations analysis. William LaCourse, chemistry, collaborated with Loryn R. Keating of the County College of… Continue Reading Roundup: UMBC in the News

Meet the Alumni Leadership: Erin Griffiths ’05

Name: Erin Griffiths ‘05, sociology Employer: Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Alumni Leadership Role: Vice President of the Chapter of Black and Latino Alumni (CBLA) Q: Where are you from originally? Washington, DC Q: What’s your favorite UMBC memory? Spending time with my friend while she worked at the front desk of Hillside [apartments]. Q: Why are you involved in an alumni board or chapter? I think it is important to “pay it forward,” since I am now more established. I met some great people while attending UMBC. I… Continue Reading Meet the Alumni Leadership: Erin Griffiths ’05

Round-Up: UMBC in the News, 7/25

One of the things that makes UMBC great is how wonderful our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are. Because of these amazing people, UMBC often finds itself “in the news,” so each week, we’ll be sharing with you a round-up of the most newsworthy achievements from our community. Roy Meyers, Political Science on Leslie Morgan, Sociology and Anthropology, in The Baltimore Beacon Nicole King, American Studies, in City Paper Thomas Schaller, Political Science, Op-Ed in The Baltimore Sun Paul Smith, Chemistry, in The Baltimore Sun Read more great news here!

Alums in the News: Copeland, Friedman, Bachore and Bell-McKoy

We are proud of our alums and their constant achievements. Recently, four of UMBC’s alumni, in particular, have made it in the news and we thought you should know! Governor Martin O’Malley recently announced the appointment of 23 judges who will serve across Maryland. We’re proud to share that two of our UMBC alumnae, Judge Melissa Kaye Copeland ’91, sociology, and Judge Karen Friedman ’94, political science, were appointed to the Circuit Court for Baltimore. Copeland has served on the District Court for Baltimore City since 2012. Prior to that appointment, she worked as an Assistant State’s Attorney for Baltimore City.… Continue Reading Alums in the News: Copeland, Friedman, Bachore and Bell-McKoy

Yvette Pappoe ’13, sociology, on UMBC’s BreakingGround

Yvette Pappoe ’13, sociology discovered her passion for learning during her time as a student at UMBC. Now, an intern with the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education, she’s continued pursing that passion after graduation. Her current project is to develop a strategy to recruit and engage college students with the Maryland Scholars Speakers Bureau. I believe it is our responsibility as members of the community to be directly involved in shaping the lives of our next generation. Learn more about Yvette and find out how you can help.

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