
Lauren Hussey, Political Science, and Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Gazette

In a July 6 Gazette article entitled “Dream Act supporters take to the streets to win votes,” proponents and opponents of the Maryland Dream Act discussed the bill, which will be submitted to a referendum this November. The act allows undocumented workers to be eligible for in-state tuition if they have attended Maryland high schools for three years, then graduated and enrolled at a community college before transferring to a four-year state university, and whose parents have filed state income taxes during the period, among other benchmarks. Lauren Hussey, assistant professor of political science, said that one factor may be President Obama’s recent… Continue Reading Lauren Hussey, Political Science, and Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Gazette

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Washington Post

On June 24, The Washington Post published an Associated press article entitled “Md. governor struggles at home while critics say he’s too focused elsewhere.” O’Malley’s critics have claimed he has been delinquent in his obligations at home and that he is treating Maryland as a weigh station to a national office. Donald Norris, chair of public policy, said that O’Malley’s recent difficulties regarding the expansion of gambling in the state reflected more on the dynamics between Maryland’s Senate and House leaders. “This is the strongest gubernatorial office in the country and this particular governor is a strong governor, so my guess is… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Washington Post

The Hilltop Institute at UMBC Launches State Health Data Website

The Baltimore Sun’s “Picture of Health” blog today highlights an exciting new online resource developed by UMBC’s Hilltop Institute in partnership with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The interactive website provides expanded public access to Medicaid data, giving users a clear picture of population health by county. The site includes maps that reveal the frequency of chronic diseases (like diabetes and asthma), mental health conditions and substance abuse across Maryland’s counties. “These data will help localities plan for health improvement,” said Frances B. Phillips, Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services. Governor O’Malley has also responded positively to… Continue Reading The Hilltop Institute at UMBC Launches State Health Data Website

John Olszewski, Public Policy, Named One of Daily Record’s “20 in Their Twenties”

Public Policy Ph.D. student John Olszewski has been named one of the Daily Record’s “20 in their twenties.” The list honors Maryland’s up-and–comers who are successful by or before the age of 30 based on their professional accomplishments, civic involvement and impact of achievement. John is a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, representing District 6 in Baltimore County. He also leads the 21-member Baltimore County Delegation in the House of Delegates as its Chairman—the youngest ever to be elected to that position.

John Olszewski, Jr., Public Policy, Honored as Up-and-Coming Leader

Maryland State Delegate John Olszewski, a Ph.D. student in public policy at UMBC, has been named to the Daily Record’s “20 in Their Twenties” list, which honors up-and-coming leaders in Maryland “chosen on the basis of professional accomplishment, civic involvement and impact of achievement.” Olszewski, 29, a second-term Baltimore County Democrat, was a social studies and special education teacher prior to enrolling at UMBC. As a delegate, he regularly comments on state governance in the media, including in the Baltimore Sun‘s most recent coverage of Maryland budget developments.

John Olszewski, Jr., Public Policy, in Baltimore Sun

Maryland State Delegate John Olszewski, a Ph.D. student in public policy at UMBC, spoke out about his vote on Maryland’s same-sex marriage bill in the Baltimore Sun this weekend. Olszewski, 29, a second-term Baltimore County Democrat, says he wanted to be sure the bill enables religious institutions who do not want to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies to refrain from doing so, and that he is confident the measure “goes above and beyond” to “protect religious institutions.” He concluded, “To go another day denying full rights to all Marylanders would be a disgrace.” Prior to enrolling in UMBC’s Ph.D. program… Continue Reading John Olszewski, Jr., Public Policy, in Baltimore Sun

Public Higher Education Tuition and Enrollment: Lecture by Dave Marcotte (2/10)

Dave Marcotte, UMBC public policy professor and graduate program director, will present the inaugural lecture in this semester’s Research Seminar Seminar Series in Public Policy and Economics this Friday, February 10, at noon in PUP 438.Marcotte’s talk is titled “Public Higher Education Tuition and Enrollment.” His writing on higher education, school closings and test scores has appeared in both academic journals and popular press, such as  the Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal, Baltimore Sun, Education Week and Inside Higher Education.Additional series speakers this semester include Tara Watson, Williams College (3/9), Tom Vicino, Northeastern University (3/30); Jim Bessen,… Continue Reading Public Higher Education Tuition and Enrollment: Lecture by Dave Marcotte (2/10)

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in Baltimore Sun and Howard County Times

At least eight Maryland candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives are running in congressional districts that do not include their own homes, the Baltimore Sun reports. Although federal candidates are not required to live where they run for office, living outside of one’s district can be risky. UMBC public policy professor and chair Donald Norris comments in the article, “I think what will probably happen is that this will be hammered on by the opposition. Whoever is running against you is just going to nail you for it.” Curious about the prospects of Maryland incumbents in 2012? Norris also… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in Baltimore Sun and Howard County Times

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in AP Article

A new Associated Press report on Maryland state lawmakers planning to run for Congress in 2012 includes insight from UMBC professor Donald Norris, public policy chair and director of the Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research. Some of the candidates are Republicans seeking to unseat Democratic incumbents, with the logic that GOP voters may be motivated to come to the polls in 2012, particularly if the DREAM Act and same-sex marriage are on the ballot. “I think a bunch of it is wishful thinking,” said Norris. “My sense is that people like O’Donnell and Jacobs are mistaking a national… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in AP Article

Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ and in the Gazette

UMBC professor Donald Norris, chair of public policy, appeared on WJZ (CBS Baltimore) last night, commenting on Republican Nancy Jacobs’s campaign for the Congressional seat Democrat Dutch Ruppersberger has held since 2003. “It’s very, very hard to beat an incumbent, and I think it’s going to be very hard for anyone–Nancy Jacobs or whomever–to beat Dutch Ruppersberger,” Norris explained. He argued current public sentiment about politics may not be positive, but “it’s less an anti-incumbency mood than it is an anti-Washington, anti-Congress mood.” Norris also commented in the Gazette on the possibility of state referendums on same-sex marriage and the… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ and in the Gazette

Kathleen Wilson, Ph.D. ’03, Starts as New CMS Deputy Director

Kathleen Wilson, who received her Ph.D. in health policy from UMBC in 2003, is the new deputy director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Division of Nursing Homes. In a special profile following the appointment, McKnight’s Long-Term Care News described Wilson as a “health policy powerhouse.” Wilson’s dissertation advisor at UMBC was Cheryl M. Miller, associate dean in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and associate professor of public policy. Miller told McKnight’s she was particularly impressed with Wilson’s ability to juggle her job, family and doctoral degree, saying, “She’s a great example of someone… Continue Reading Kathleen Wilson, Ph.D. ’03, Starts as New CMS Deputy Director

Eric Zeemering, Public Policy, Receives IBM Center Research Grant

Congratulations to Eric Zeemering, assistant professor of public policy at UMBC, on receiving a research award from the IBM Center for the Business of Government. Through this grant Zeemering and colleague Daryl Delabbio will develop, “A County Manager’s Guide to Local Government Service Collaboration.” The IBM Center’s goal for the highly competitive award is “to help public sector executives and managers address real-world problems by supporting leading researchers who produce empirical evidence to inform the debates about whether particular management approaches will improve government performance.”

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