
Eberly ’06, Ph.D. Public Policy, “Go-To Guy” For Political Analysis

Todd Eberly ’06, Ph.D. public policy, is living his dream, teaching political science to the students of St. Mary’s College — and acting as a “go-to-guy” for those seeking political analysis, reports. “Other kids liked sports or what have you. I just never did,” Eberly said. “I cared about politics. I followed that the way other folks would follow a football season or a baseball season.  … I am curious to see who’s winning, who’s losing and what strategy they are employing.” Read the full story at In addition to being quoted regularly in various local media, in… Continue Reading Eberly ’06, Ph.D. Public Policy, “Go-To Guy” For Political Analysis

Timothy J. Brennan, Public Policy, to Receive Distinguished Service Award

Timothy J. Brennan, professor of public policy, has been named 2013 recipient of Public Utility Research Center (PURC) Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the understanding of regulatory economics and finance. The Award recognizes the cumulative impact of an individual’s research and policy analyses on both the academic community and regulatory policymakers. Brennan will receive the award as he speaks on utility regulation at the Annual PURC Conference on February 13, 2013 at the University of Florida. In addition, Brennan will co-direct the spring 2013 Center for Research in Regulated Industries’ Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics in Dublin,… Continue Reading Timothy J. Brennan, Public Policy, to Receive Distinguished Service Award

Donald F. Norris, Public Policy, on WBAL and MPT

On Tuesday, Peter Franchot announced he will seek re-election as state comptroller rather than run for governor in 2014. Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, joined WBAL TV to discuss the impact of this news on  Maryland’s political landscape. According to Norris, Franchot’s decision “certainly makes a difference in the race.” Norris predicts potential candidates in the 2014 race include Lt. Governor Anthony Brown (D), Attorney General Doug Ganzler (D), and Harford County Executive David Craig (R). Norris also appeared on Maryland Public Television’s “State Circle,” where he offered an outlook on current Governor… Continue Reading Donald F. Norris, Public Policy, on WBAL and MPT

Eric Zeemering, Public Policy, on “Better Faster Cheaper”

In the latest post on Governing magazine’s blog “Better Faster Cheaper,” John M. Kamensky, senior fellow with the IBM Center for the Business of Government, reports on compelling new findings from a study by UMBC’s Eric Zeemering, assistant professor of public policy, and co-researcher Daryl Delabbi. Zeemering and Delabbi have found that more than half of county officials across the country are either participating in or delivering shared services or are in active discussions to do so. Why counties? Kemensky writes, “Typically, small local governments jealously guard their independence. County government is a natural place to turn to coordinate or… Continue Reading Eric Zeemering, Public Policy, on “Better Faster Cheaper”

John Rennie Short Video Interview on “Korea: A Cartographic History”

“Korean cartography is very distinctive in having this combination of rivers and mountain shown so that the landscape looks as if it’s alive,” says Professor John Rennie Short, public policy, in a new video interview about his latest book. Korea: A Cartographic History explores 600 years of Korean maps, made by both Koreans and non-Koreans, and serves as a captivating introduction to Korea for English speakers. Thanks to a grant from the Korea Foundation to the University of Chicago Press, the maps are printed in full color, showcasing them both as historical documents and works of art. In the new video… Continue Reading John Rennie Short Video Interview on “Korea: A Cartographic History”

Bess Keller, Public Policy, Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun

“As the growing season winds down, one Baltimore City school garden has harvested next to nothing. A project intended to enliven lessons or inspire healthier eating came down to four neglected beds yielding two cinder-block-sized zucchini.” This is the start of a commentary written by UMBC graduate student Bess Keller, public policy, in the Baltimore Sun, about an unsuccessful school-community collaboration and why she believes it failed to reach its potential. Keller suggests that the problem was one of misplaced incentives. She writes, “Recognition accrues to organizations and the people in them for getting money, starting a project, building something,… Continue Reading Bess Keller, Public Policy, Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun

Delegate Jon Cardin, UMBC Alumnus, Explores Run for Attorney General

Maryland State Delegate Jon Cardin ’96 has formed an exploratory committee for a potential run for Maryland attorney general in 2014, according to an AP article published in the Daily Record. Cardin, who is the nephew of the recently re-elected U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, received his M.A. in public policy from UMBC. He is currently serving his third term as delegate for Baltimore County. The AP story notes, “According to a report in the Gazette newspapers of Montgomery County, Jon Cardin will be holding a fundraiser for the exploratory committee on Dec. 4 at a private home in Baltimore.”

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

“Now that the governor’s proposal to expand gambling in Maryland has passed at the ballot box, some state senators and delegates who backed the controversial measure are looking to collect,” writes reporter Annie Linskey in today’s Baltimore Sun. The idea that those legislators who backed Gov. O’Malley in his support of the gambling legislation would seek benefits in return for its passage is not a new concept to Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy. “I think it is a nearly universal phenomenon in legislative bodies,” he says. “It is a matter of bargaining and… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

Social Science Faculty Gindling, Mandell, Norris and Hussey in Post-Election News

In the wake of Maryland’s vote for Question 4, UMBC professors T.H. Gindling (economics) and Marvin Mandell (public policy) recently discussed their study, “Private and Government Fiscal Costs and Benefits of the Maryland Dream Act” on NBC Washington news. Their interview highlights the net positive economic impact that each incoming class of undocumented students would have, due to factors such as decreased incarceration rates (and thus lower incarceration costs) for college versus high school graduates. Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, commented on Maryland’s passage of both Question 6 (approving same-sex marriage rights) and Question… Continue Reading Social Science Faculty Gindling, Mandell, Norris and Hussey in Post-Election News

UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in National Press Following Vote

On Tuesday, Nov. 6, Marylanders voted to extend in-county/in-state tuition at local community colleges and public universities to undocumented immigrants who graduate from Maryland high schools and meet other requirements. Press following the 59% to 41% Maryland Dream Act victory have cited a recent study on the Dream Act’s economic impacts by UMBC’s T.H. Gindling (economics) and Marvin Mandell (public policy). Their study concludes, “the Dream Act would generate $66 million in economic activity for each incoming new class of undocumented students.” See the website of UMBC’s Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (MIPAR) for the original working paper:… Continue Reading UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in National Press Following Vote

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in Election Coverage

Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, has offered insight on topics from Maryland ballot measures to the advertising wars throughout the election season. He recently commented in a Patch article on early voting, stating: “There is little or no evidence that early voting matters in overall turnout or in overall turnout among sub groups of voters—elderly, young, minorities, etc. So I am not inclined to say anything about this except that turnout is up.” Why the increase in turnout of early voters? Norris told WBAL, “We’ve got at least three ballot questions that are… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in Election Coverage

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Daily Record and Gazette

According to the Daily Record, the Maryland Democratic Party is accusing (used to help petition three state laws to referendum over the last year) of violating campaign finance laws. Website founder Del. Neil C. Parrott has responded by saying, “Here we have the Maryland Democrat party trying to use scare tactics” to prevent voters from striking down the referenda. Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, comments that with so many hotly debated issues on the ballot this year, Maryland is getting a taste of types of accusations that more politically-diverse states experience regularly… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Daily Record and Gazette

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