
John Rennie Short, Public Policy, on Writer’s Voice

As part of Environment Month at Writer’s Voice, a national radio show and podcast featuring author interviews, readings, and reviews, Public Policy Professor John Rennie Short was interviewed about his recent book, Stress Testing the USA (Palgrave MacMillan). In his book, Short applies the stress test concept to four major events the United States experienced at the start of the 21st century: the invasion of Iraq, the financial meltdown, Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill. “These four major events are the equivalent of an incredible cardiovascular workout for the United States where you saw things that didn’t work so well. When everything… Continue Reading John Rennie Short, Public Policy, on Writer’s Voice

Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy, Op-Ed in Fox News Latino

In an op-ed on the Puerto Rican debt crisis published March 20 in Fox News Latino, Public Policy Ph.D. student Justin Vélez-Hagan argues default will be inevitable as a more than $1 billion deficit is expected to round out the current fiscal year. Vélez-Hagan is also executive director of the National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce. “Puerto Rico’s well-known dependency on credit first made public waves when every credit-rating agency gave Puerto Rico a vote of no confidence last month, citing major liquidity concerns as the biggest culprit for the downgrades,” Vélez-Hagan writes. To dig itself out of the debt crisis, Vélez-Hagan adds:… Continue Reading Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy, Op-Ed in Fox News Latino

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun

The 2014 campaign for Maryland governor is intensifying, and candidates in both parties are moving forward with proposals on taxes and spending as Election Day nears in November. Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was interviewed for an article published March 14 in The Baltimore Sun about the race for governor and the various education expansion and tax cut proposals from candidates on both sides. “This is campaigning as usual,” Norris said. “Promise, promise, promise in order to win as many votes as you can on these promises — and then worry about it when you get in office.” To read the… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun

Dave Marcotte, Public Policy, on The Kojo Nnamdi Show

Monday’s winter storm forced school systems across the region to cancel school for yet another day, adding to what were already high snow day totals for many. With classroom instruction disrupted again, WAMU’s The Kojo Nnamdi Show decided to look into the question of “the snow day effect” and how it can impact classroom performance. Public Policy Professor and Graduate Program Director Dave Marcotte was a guest on Monday’s show and discussed a multi-year study he conducted to look into winter weather’s impact on schools in several states. One of the key findings was that a week’s worth of snow days… Continue Reading Dave Marcotte, Public Policy, on The Kojo Nnamdi Show

Dave Marcotte, Public Policy, in The Atlanta Journal Constitution and Bloomberg Businessweek

Many school districts up and down the East Coast and in the Midwest have been forced to cancel several school days this winter, and some districts in the Northeast have already announced students will forgo part of their spring breaks to make up for lost time. Public Policy Professor and Graduate Program Director Dave Marcotte was cited in two recent articles in The Atlanta Journal Constitution and Bloomberg Businessweek for a study he did on the impact of winter weather on schools. “Dave Marcotte, in a 2010 online article for Education Next, found that each additional inch of snow reduced the percentage of third-,… Continue Reading Dave Marcotte, Public Policy, in The Atlanta Journal Constitution and Bloomberg Businessweek

Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy, Op-Ed in Fox News Latino

In an op-ed published February 17 in Fox News Latino, Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy Ph.D. student and Executive Director of The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce, argues recent policies put forth by Puerto Rico’s government are not the solution for long-term economic growth and development. Vélez-Hagan writes Puerto Rico’s “Jobs Now Act” was intended to grow the economy by offering tax exemptions and credits along with incentives for hiring underemployed groups, but the cost to hire and train new employees far outweighs the benefits of the new policy. “It’s especially surprising given the latest employment numbers,” writes Vélez-Hagan. “According to the Government… Continue Reading Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy, Op-Ed in Fox News Latino

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Washington Times

A recent article in The Washington Times reviews states that have experienced glitches after rolling out health exchange websites as part of the Affordable Care Act. The article mentions the Maryland website which experienced software defects, causing state officials to offer retroactive coverage to users who couldn’t purchase plans in time for the start of the new year. In the article, Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris offered insight into how the health exchange website problems could affect the upcoming Democratic primary in the race for governor. He said Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown will likely win despite being the target of… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Washington Times

Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WYPR

Maryland State Delegate Heather Mizeur is considered a long shot to win the Democratic nomination for governor. But in a story that aired on WYPR Wednesday, February 12, Mizeur said she’s confident given her strong army of volunteers despite running against two candidates with more name recognition and money. Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was interviewed for the story and commented on Mizeur’s prospects in the race. He said there is no chance she can win because her campaign doesn’t have the finances or statewide recognition to overcome Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and Attorney General Douglas Gansler. “It… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WYPR

Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ-TV

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has said he is laying the groundwork for a possible presidential bid in 2016, but has yet to formally announce he is running. Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was interviewed by WJZ-TV about what a potential White House campaign would mean for O’Malley. “He’s got to raise a lot of money and he’s got to raise his name recognition considerably,” Norris said. A recent poll showed Hillary Clinton as the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination, but Norris said anything can happen for O’Malley with the presidential election more than two and a half… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WJZ-TV

Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy, in Fox News Latino

Puerto Rico’s creditors are meeting in New York this week to discuss concerns over inevitable debt default. Puerto Rico has more than $70 billion in outstanding debt and its debt per capita is nearly $19,000. Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy Ph.D. student and executive director of The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce, recently wrote an op-ed in Fox News Latino about the Puerto Rican debt crisis and provides suggestions for turning the economy around. “The initial step should be a more effective marketing campaign centered on the tax, labor, environmental, and Latin American and American market access opportunities that are second to none… Continue Reading Justin Vélez-Hagan, Public Policy, in Fox News Latino

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Washington Post

Larry Hogan, the leader of watchdog group Change Maryland and former appointments secretary under Gov. Robert Ehrlich, kicked off his campaign in the Republican primary for governor on Wednesday. Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was interviewed for an article in The Washington Post about Hogan’s announcement. He said whoever the winner of the Republican primary is faces an uphill battle unless a serious mistake is committed by the Democratic candidate. “In a statewide race in Maryland, a good Democrat running a good campaign beats a good Republican running a good campaign every time,” Norris said. You can read the full… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Washington Post

Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun

There has been growing speculation in recent weeks that Rep. John Delaney (D-MD) has plans on entering the Maryland race for governor. Delaney is a first-time lawmaker and a former banking executive. Donald Norris, public policy professor and chair, was interviewed for an article published January 22 in The Baltimore Sun about the possibility of Delaney entering the race. He commented that Delaney is likely attempting to boost his recognition for a statewide race some time in the future. “Because it’s this late, it would suggest to me that he won’t do it,” Norris said. “Were he to do it —… Continue Reading Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun

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